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Hi there! My name is Amber Bobnar. I’d like to tell you a little bit about my website, is dedicated to helping parents of young children with visual impairments as well as children with multiple disabilities. On the site you’ll find articles written by parents who want to share with others what they’ve learned about playing with and teaching a blind child, as well as links to meaningful resources and ways to connect with other families in the community.

I started the site in 2006 when my son was one year old and just diagnosed with LCA, a rare retinal disorder causing blindness from birth. My goal was to create a community where families raising children who are blind could find a safe place to connect, share and find resources.

Demographics & Site Statistics

With over 50,000 visits per month, is a great place to promote your business or product. also has 4,000 email subscribers. readers are parents and educators of children with a range of abilities and disabilities, but primarily moms of kids who are blind or visually impaired, some with additional disabilities. These moms are dedicated, passionate and looking for resources and answers!

Social Media is active on many forms of social media:

What Types of Advertising Does Offer? offers several options for authentic, content-based advertising (such as sponsored posts) as well as newsletter ads.

As a website for parents of children with special needs, will only partner with brands that are family-friendly and topically relevant. We also look for brands and companies that we believe in and are comfortable supporting.

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