Some children may need help managing self injurious behaviors or other sensitivities. Learn how to manage these issues through discipline and calming strategies.

Understanding Intermittent Explosive Disorder in Children
Are you worried about your child’s unexpected aggression and explosive behaviors? Learn how to support a child with intermittent explosive disorder.

5 Emotional Regulation Activities for Kids
Want to teach your child how to regulate emotions? Here are emotional regulation activities for kids that can help!

Behavior, Special Needs
5 Tips for Dining Out with Children Who Have Sensory Sensitivities
Worried about dining out with sensory sensitivities? Try these tips for less stress and more fun the next time you take your family out to eat.

Is Your Child a Compulsive Liar?
Are you worried your child is a compulsive liar? Read this article for everything you need to know about compulsive lying in children.

Autism, Behavior
OCD vs Autism in Children: How To Tell the Difference
OCD and ASD are fundamentally different, but their symptoms are very similar. Learn how to tell the difference to support your child.

5 Ways to Use a Feelings Wheel for Kids
A feelings wheel is a fantastic tool for helping children identify their emotions, develop empathy, and work on conflict resolution.

How To Help Your Child’s Dysregulated Nervous System
Frequent meltdowns, irritability, or easily being triggered can indicate a dysregulated nervous system. Learn ways to help regulate your child’s nervous system.

Behavior, Sensory Activities
8 Must-Haves for a Soothing Sensory Toolkit
Looking for sensory toolkit essentials for your child? These soothing items can help your child with sensory processing difficulties!

Autism, Behavior
Managing Autism Burnout Symptoms in Children
Are you concerned your autistic child may be burnt out? Find out how to manage autism burnout symptoms here.

My Child Disagrees With Everything I Say! (6 Tips)
Are harsh words and constant arguments driving you to a breaking point in your parent-child relationship? Learn how to curb disagreements here!

4 Signs of a Socially Awkward Child
All children have moments of awkward behavior, but some children have more difficulty in social situations than others and may struggle to make friends.

3 Ways To Help Your Child Set Boundaries
Setting and enforcing clear boundaries for permissible behavior is a healthy way to begin teaching kids the basics of respect at a young age.

6 Ways to Address Mood Swings in Children
Mood swings in children can be managed by establishing a routine, teaching coping skills, setting clear boundaries, and modeling appropriate behavior.

Autism, Behavior
7 Ways To Stop Your Child’s Perseveration
You can support your child’s perseveration with practical strategies, support, and a better understanding of their behavior.

My Toddler Keeps Tilting His Head to His Shoulder. Should I Be Worried?
Head tilting in toddlers is often due to torticollis, or tight neck muscles on one side. This can usually be corrected with physical therapy.