Some children may need help managing self injurious behaviors or other sensitivities. Learn how to manage these issues through discipline and calming strategies.

The Clingy Toddler: Helping Your Little One Be Independent
A clingy toddler is a result of the healthy bond between parent and child. With the right tools you can help your precious one cope and set them up for...

Behavior, Sensory Activities
Make Your Own Sensory Room on a Budget
A sensory room is a special space where children with sensory processing disorders or other sensory impairments can focus on limited sensory stimuli.

Behavior, Sleep
How To Deal with Separation Anxiety in Toddlers at Night
Nighttime separation anxiety in toddlers is normal. Teach your child coping mechanisms so they can learn to manage these big feelings.

Behavior, Parenting
9 Alternatives to Time Out for Toddlers
Alternatives to time outs include positive discipline techniques that focus on communication and development of real life skills.

Behavior, Visual Impairment
How Do I Discipline My Blind Toddler?
How do you discipline a child with special needs? Or, as some might ask, SHOULD you discipline a child with special needs?

Behavior, Special Needs
Nurturing the Emotional Development of Children with Disabilities
Lesley Potgieter writes about the emotional development of children with special needs. As we focus on our children's cognitive and physical development, are we ignoring their emotional development?

Autism, Behavior
6 Strategies for Addressing Self-Injurious Behaviors
Self injurious behaviors are, unfortunately, not unusual for kids with special needs. These behaviors could be anything from biting, hitting or even banging their head on the walls or furniture....

Autism, Behavior, Visual Impairment
Is My Blind Child Autistic? One Parent’s Experience
Mary discusses trying to determine if her daughter's behaviors were related to her visual impairment or a symptom of autism.

Behavior, Visual Impairment
Plays Well with Others: Helping Your Blind Child Develop Social Skills
Sometimes children with vision impairments can find it difficult to be around other children. If your child has this problem, then you know how hard it can be when your...

Behavior, Sensory Activities
Kore Wobble Stool: A Chair for Kids Who Can’t Sit Still!
The Kore Wobble Stool design gently rolls with your child's natural movements, so he or she stays supported and comfortable while they wiggle around.

Autism, Behavior
Raising A Sensory Smart Child
For children who struggle to process everyday sensations and exhibit unusual behaviors such as avoiding or seeking out touch, movement, sounds, and sights.

Behavior, Sensory Activities
8 Calming or Stimulating Sensory Activities for Kids with Sensory Impairment
Find a list of of sensory activities along with ways to make them more calming or more alerting and information about which sensory system they target. Try them out and...

Understood: For Learning and Attention Issues
Understood is an online resources that offers a parent toolkit with valuable resources for learning about diagnoses, IEPs, and more!

Autism, Behavior, Sleep
SafeSpaces: Safe Rooms and Safe Beds for Kids with Special Needs
SafeSpaces custom makes living and sleeping spaces for children with special needs, such as autism or other issues. These spaces can be beds or entire rooms that are safe and...

Autism, Behavior, Sleep
3 Tips for Choosing Pajamas for Kids with Sensory Processing Disorders
Is night time a nightmare? Here are 3 tips for choosing the best pajamas for kids with autism or sensory processing disorders (SPD).