Tray Haven Keeps Everything On Your Child’s Tray

It’s a problem for all kids, but probably even more so for kids who are visually impaired or have under developed fine motor skills…
Kids lose their toys. They lose their cups. One second they are there on the tray and the next second… whoops! Gone!
We parents try clever ways to help our kids keep things on their tray (the Stay-Put Tray is still one of my favorite DIY ideas), but sometimes we just wish we could build a fence around that tray so everything could stay within reach.
Hey! What if you could really put up a fence around your child’s tray? Wouldn’t that be a great idea???
Say hello to Tray Haven. We were recently introduced to this product and it’s one of those things that seems like such a no-brainer. Why haven’t I seen this before?
Tray Haven is mesh, breathable, see-through (so you can still keep an eye on your child), machine washable and (the best part I think) adjustable. It stretches and wraps around just about any space – like a stroller or highchair, or even a stander or wheelchair with a tray. It also folds down really flat and small so it’s easy to take with you.
It’s also available in two colors: Blue and pink.
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