
If you're pregnant and have questions about birth, labor, or delivery, our team of experts is here to help!

Mother with her newborn baby sleeping in bed after c-section.


How to Sleep After a C-Section

Sleep after a C-section is important for recovery. Finding a good position, the right temperature, and medications can help you with sleep after surgery.

Asian mother woman use section postpartum scar measuring waist stretch mark loose lower abdomen skin she fat after pregnancy baby birth.


How to Tighten Loose Skin After Having a Baby

Loose belly skin after having a baby can be distressing. We have helpful hints to prevent saggy skin and tone your tummy.

Closeup of woman belly with scar from cesarean section with a medical bandage.


C-Section Scar Pain: What to Do When It Keeps Hurting

C-section incision pain is common right after delivery. Pain that lasts for months or years after your C-section should be addressed by a doctor.

Portrait of hispanic pregnant woman walking in a curb at sunset.


Curb Walking to Induce Labor: Does It Work?

Curb walking can help open up your pelvis and bring your baby down into position for delivery. It’s one of the best ways to induce labor naturally.

Young beautiful pregnant girl drinking tea in her home during daytime.


Midwives Brew: Does It Really Work to Induce Labor?

Midwives brew is a drink made with castor oil that can help jumpstart labor. It should only be used after discussion and approval of your physician.

Doctor examining pregnant woman in clinic.


Creating Your C-Section Birth Plan

A C-section birth plan is a great tool for both planned and unexpected cesarean sections. Having a plan relieves stress and gets your needs met during delivery.

Woman grabbing the loose skin on stomach after giving birth by caserean section.


The C-Section Shelf: Does It Ever Go Away?

A C-section shelf is excess skin and fat that hangs over a C-section scar. You can make it smaller with diet and exercise or eliminate it with a tummy tuck.

Woman pointing to C section scar.


C-Section Scar Healing Stages and Care

A C-section is a major surgery that will leave a scar. You can minimize scarring by caring for your incision in the first weeks after delivery.

C section operation recovery concept.


6 Must-Haves for Your C-Section Recovery Kit

Whether planned or a surprise, a c-section recovery kit can help you heal more quickly. You want to make sure you care for yourself after a c-section.

Young pregnant woman with glass of milk in the room.


Can I Drink Ensure While Pregnant?

While Ensure can promote health, you’ll want to make sure you understand the ingredients and the quantities that are right for you.

A woman having dry nipples during her pregnancy.

Breastfeeding, Pregnancy

Dry Nipples During Pregnancy: 5 Tips to Help

Dry nipples during pregnancy is a common symptom. Use these tips to help relieve the itch and keep your breasts soft and moisturized.