A watch that warns about epileptic seizures

Embrace Watches

Having a child with epilepsy brings its own set of challenges for parents. They need to keep track of seizures, keep medication adjusted appropriately, and keep their child safe. And while most people think of seizures as being fairly obvious, they can also be silent and invisible to the people around them. They can even be life-threatening.

So at Boston Children’s Hospital, they’ve developed a device that tells when a seizure is happening. And it’s in the form of a sleek and attractive wristwatch.

The Bluetooth-enabled technology reads undetectable movements and nerve activity in the wearer. It can alert a person wearing a companion piece that the seizure is happening so they can intervene. It’s called Embrace, and is written about in the Children’s Hospital blog.

Not only does this device give parents a modicum of control over their child’s health and well-being, but doctors can begin to track patterns in seizure activity that allow them to adjust the medication accordingly. In the future, the thought is that understanding seizure activity could help prevent sudden unexpected death from epilepsy (SUDEP).

You can order your watch online or check out the video below for a better understanding of this cool new piece of technology for people with epilepsy.



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