Find resources to help you on your parenting journey, including advice on fostering multi-generational relationships and how to find peace as the caregiver of a special needs child.
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Parenting, Special Needs
I may not sit, roll, walk or speak but I AM SO LOVED
Janyia is a little girl with several medical conditions: Arthrogryposis, Cerebral Palsy, Chronic lung disease and Hydrocephalus. This is her story.

Parenting, Special Needs
16 things that have helped me as the parent of a child with special medical needs
My son Jaxon was born with bilateral corneal clouding. We have been through a lot with this little man and I wrote a blog post about some of the things...

14 Back Exercises for Caregivers
Caring for a disabled child can be stressful in many ways, but have you given much thought to how you might be placing stress on your back? Learn 14 exercises...

Adoption and Foster Care, Visual Impairment
Bethel China: Supporting Blind Children in China
Bethel China supports parents of visually impaired children in China and helps orphaned blind children find homes. Find out what they are doing and how you can help!

Parenting, Special Needs
Traveling with a Child who is Medically Complex
Traveling with a child who is medically complex can be difficult. Not only do you have all the normal travel woes, but there's medications, medical equipment and emergencies to prepare...

Adoption and Foster Care
How to Adopt a Special Child
Kimberly Schildbach writes about her family's journey to bring two special children into their homes. She gives advice to other parents interested in adopting a special needs child.

Parenting, Special Needs
How to Stay Organized when Raising a Special Needs Child
If you're the parent of a child with medical complexities you're probably feeling pretty stressed. Catherine gives you advice on how to keep your medical records organized so you can...

Parenting, Special Needs
Growing up with a special needs sister
Shannon Gardner writes about her son, Kekoa, and his relationship with his younger sister Oliana, who is blind. She writes about how it can be difficult to have a disabled...

Parenting, Special Needs
Teamwork: The Special (Needs) Family
John Bateman writes about the importance of including all your kids in all activities. When you have a child with special needs it may seem appropriate to keep their activities...

Parenting, Support
Hopeful Acceptance: Finding the Right Balance as a Special Needs Parent
What are the words of encouragement you wan to hear? One dad shares his balanced approach, advising both hope and acceptance.

Parenting, Support
Maintaining your relationship when you have a disabled child
Mary McDonach explores the high incidence of divorce among parents raising a disabled child. She advises devoting energy to your relationship plan in order to keep the partnership of parenting...