
Find resources to help you on your parenting journey, including advice on fostering multi-generational relationships and how to find peace as the caregiver of a special needs child.

Filter by: Adoption and Foster Care

Michael sitting in a chair and smiling

Parenting, Special Needs

My son will not read this post

For a special needs parent, being realistic does not mean losing optimism. It means finding peace with what is.

colorful doorway in rainbow colors

Parenting, Special Needs

What does it really take to make a home accessible?

What really makes your home an inclusive space for your special needs or blind child? Is it the furniture? Or is it the way you think?

Mother kissing her baby's foot

Parenting, Special Needs

When my family accused me of using my special needs child as an excuse

We make decisions for our medically fragile kids every day, but sometimes family members just don't understand our reasons.

proud special needs girl

Advocacy, Parenting

I’m Raising My Special Needs Child with Dignity – Are You?

Special needs children deserve honor and respect. As parents, we need to maintain their dignity and help them present themselves at their best in public.

baby's hand

Parenting, Visual Impairment

My baby is blind… What do I do?

When your baby is diagnosed with a visual impairment you may at first feel lost. What do you do? Where do you begin?

boy on a school bus

Adoption and Foster Care, Education

Transitioning an Adopted Child to School

Ellen writes about adopting her visually impaired son, Edy, and how they focused on helping him acclimate to his new home and family while also thinking about how they would...

A couple laying in bed together

Parenting, Special Needs

Why I’m Talking About Sex and Intimacy as a Special Needs Mom

A call to couples and parents raising special needs kids to prioritize sex and physical intimacy in their relationships.

an unhappy orange cat

Parenting, Special Needs

8 things I am so done with as a special needs mom

It's hard to keep things together as a special needs family. I'm losing patience and I feel totally selfish for being so annoyed with the world, but I'm going to...

baby feet with sand

Parenting, Support

When I Feel Alone as a Mom to a Child With Anophthalmia, I Remember This

Gwen writes about her baby daughter, Ivey, and the medical issues she faces. Gwen finds strength in her friends, family and even strangers who are drawn to her little girl.

woman in wheelchair with baby carrier attached

Parenting, Support

Disabled Parenting Project

The Disabled Parenting Project (DPP) is an online space for sharing experiences, advice, and conversations among disabled parents as well as those considering parenthood.

What if I die?

Parenting, Support

“What if I die?” Creating a care plan to combat the secret fear of every special needs parent

If you are the primary caregiver of a special needs child, you probably worry about what would happen if you were gone.

Parenting, Special Needs

What I wish people understood about raising a medically complex child

Here's something I've learned in the last 10 years: Raising a special needs child is hard, but raising a special needs child who is medically complex is much harder.

photo of baby girl sleeping

Parenting, Special Needs

Parenting a Child with a Rare Disease

Navigating life's path as a parent of a child diagnosed with a rare disease can be hard at times. It's okay to look to others for help.

book cover with little girl sitting at desk

Adoption and Foster Care

Emma’s Dilemma: A Book About Acceptance and Adoption

A little girl must complete a family tree for school but fears her classmates won't understand her own tree, which includes adoptive and biological parents.

Finn and his new family

Adoption and Foster Care

Finn’s Adoption Day

Watch this video documenting Finn's adoption day when he first meets his new family. Bethel China helps families adopt visually impaired children in China.

The Caregiver's Notebook book cover

Parenting, Support

The Caregiver’s Notebook: An Organizational Tool and Support to Help You Care for Others

The Caregiver's Notebook gives those who care for someone with multiple needs a handy place to organize information.

Nicole and her three daughters

Parenting, Special Needs

Why it’s OK to Ask Me About My Special Needs Child

When you see my daughter, please ask questions! I believe it is my role to educate others about being deafblind and how this shapes (but doesn't define) my child.

The girls playing doctor


Encouraging Sisterly Love

How do you encourage sisterly (or brotherly) love? Nicole shares some tips for encouraging your "typical" kids to play and interact with their special needs sibling.

young girl smiling

Adoption and Foster Care

Hope For Orphans with Visual Impairments

This site is dedicated to finding families for orphans with visual impairments. The children listed on this site may have a very minor impairment, such as a lazy eye (amblyopia...

Roberto family

Adoption and Foster Care, Visual Impairment

Adopting a Visually Impaired Child from China: Our Story

MaryAnne Roberto shares her story of adopting two boys who are blind through Bethel China. Shane and Vincent have different stories, but they are all part of one big family!


Parenting, Special Needs

I may not sit, roll, walk or speak but I AM SO LOVED

Janyia is a little girl with several medical conditions: Arthrogryposis, Cerebral Palsy, Chronic lung disease and Hydrocephalus. This is her story.


Parenting, Special Needs

16 things that have helped me as the parent of a child with special medical needs

My son Jaxon was born with bilateral corneal clouding. We have been through a lot with this little man and I wrote a blog post about some of the things...

Bridge with knee extensions


14 Back Exercises for Caregivers

Caring for a disabled child can be stressful in many ways, but have you given much thought to how you might be placing stress on your back? Learn 14 exercises...

Justin splashing in the water

Adoption and Foster Care, Visual Impairment

Bethel China: Supporting Blind Children in China

Bethel China supports parents of visually impaired children in China and helps orphaned blind children find homes. Find out what they are doing and how you can help!