Accessible Playgrounds

little girl in a wheelchair at the playground

When the playground in my neighborhood was being redone, the town invited the family of a neighborhood boy with muscular dystrophy to weigh in on the design. And you know what? The newly designed playground not only works for him, but for his siblings and friends as well.

That’s the beauty of making the world accessible to those with disabilities: the accommodations generally benefit everyone.

The thing is, playgrounds are about more than just getting outdoors and getting exercise; it’s also about social interaction. It’s where kids play with other kids and learn the art of negotiation, pretend play and sharing. Accessible playgrounds let kids do just that, able-bodied or not.

This NPR site gives great information on WHY accessible playgrounds are important, some background in how they came about, as well as a listing of where to find a large number of them. They also list what to look for in an accessible playground, and invite readers to add resources themselves.

Check them out here.

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