Assistive Technology Grants for the Blind

child with handheld CCTV

Adaptive devices and software can be out of reach for people with limited income. But these same devices can provide better access to employment opportunities, increased independence and enhanced overall quality of life safety and connections for people with visual impairments.

The Association of Blind Citizens has an Assistive Technology Fund that can cover 50% of the retail cost of these devices or software.

The criteria for being eligible is:

  • Retail cost must be between $200 and $6,000.
  • Family income must be less than $50,000 with cash assets of less than $20,000.
  • Applicants must be legally blind and a resident of the United States.

If you meet this criteria, go to the ABC website where you will find the details on how to submit, documentation needed, the dates and timeframes, and the application. There are two grant periods, though you can only submit one application per year; the deadlines are June 30 and December 31.

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