Read How You Want: Large Print Books

Read how you want

I just learned of this wonderful book service that provides new hot-off-the-presses books in multiple formats to its customers.

The company is called ReadHowYouWant and they have relationships with numerous publishers in the English-speaking world giving them access to many of the top best-sellers available in book stores now.

Using their own award-winning conversion technology, they can transform books into large print, Braille, or digital formats on demand. And since they do their conversions on demand, this lowers their costs, which makes these books more affordable for their readers.

ReadHowYouWant allows readers to select the book format that works best for their reading needs and preferences. Readers may choose from five sizes of EasyRead large print, braille, DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System), and MP3 audio formats. Each large print edition has been optimized for maximum readability by adjusting spacing between characters and lines, and decreasing hyphenation.

The company’s goals are to make reading easier and more enjoyable by delivering formats that suit the reader, and to give people with reading difficulties access to books in the formats of their choice—at an affordable price, and as soon as the book is published.

Visit their website to learn more:

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