Three Retinoblastoma-Cancer-Fighting Superheroes!

Mason, Thomas & Luke (not necessarily in that order)

I learned some interesting statistics on the Low Family Blog today:

  • Chances of marrying while at BYU: 1/3
  • Chances of having a boy: 1/2
  • Chances of having 4 boys in a row: 1/16
  • Chances of spontaneous identical triplets (no in vitro): 1/1,000,000
  • Chances of all triplets having retinoblastoma: unheard of

And yet that’s exactly what happened to these tiny, adorable super heroes; Thomas, Mason and Luke were all diagnosed with retinoblastoma when only about 12 weeks old. They are now battling this rare form of cancer at SickKids Hospital in Toronto.

Retinoblastoma is a cancer of the eye that takes root in the retina. Young children and babies are most often affected and the tell-tale sign of retinoblastoma is lack of “redeye” in photos. If you take a picture of your baby with the flash on and there’s no redeye, you should probably talk to your doctor.

Retinoblastoma can move fast but is also treatable… if doctors move even faster. The Low triplets are undergoing treatments and therapies at SickKids while their parents wait and pray… and also raise three babies (and their older brother Benson)!

Visit the Low Family Blog to follow the story of Thomas, Mason and Luke. And click here to learn more about retinoblastoma.

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