A Blind Legend Game App

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Shared by Hillary Kleck


A gaming app where you rely on sound instead of your vision to navigate through the adventure! A team out of France successfully crowdfunded this project and now the app is available on the iTunes App Store! Here’s a quick description of the app:

Plot: Live the adventures of Edward Blake, the famous blind knight! Guided by your daughter Louise, you must find your way and avoid the many traps that lie in store in the High Castle Kingdom, while confronting dangerous enemies!

Accessibility: The game is fully accessible to visually impaired people, and is aimed at anyone who’s eager for an original, immersive sensory experience through a ground-breaking video game. And because the player is the character, it will help raise public awareness of this kind of disability.

And it’s FREE to download but does have In-App Purchases if you need to buy more lives!

If you download this app, please share your experience with others in the Comments section below.

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