Learn how to support your baby as they grow and develop through milestones, including gross motor and fine motor development as well as communication skills.
Filter by: Communication, Crawling, Fine and Gross Motor, Orientation and Mobility

Development, Visual Impairment
Everyday Activities for Blind Children
Simple ways to introduce your blind or disabled child to everyday activities and experiences. Teach your child about how the world works and the things people do every day.

Communication, Visual Impairment
Sign Language for Blind Babies
Can sign language work for blind babies? Signs are made to be very visual, can blind babies really pick them up? We're here to tell you first hand, YES! We'll...

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment
Orientation & Mobility for Blind Babies
How to begin orientation and mobility (O&M) training for your blind infant - before they're even crawling!

Assistive Technology, Orientation and Mobility
GPS and mobility educational equipment
GPS and talking map software allows the blind traveler to keep the taxi driver honest, enjoy hearing about the sites and businesses being passed or know independently when to get...

Orientation and Mobility
Guide Dogs for the Blind
Guide Dogs for the Blind provides enhanced mobility to qualified individuals through partnership with dogs whose unique skills are developed and nurtured by dedicated volunteers and a professional staff.

Say it With Symbols
Say it with Symbols! is the first stop resource for families, caregivers and educators looking for easy-to-use, functional augmentative communication aids that help people with severe speech disorders actively participate...

Communication, Visual Impairment
Using Tangible Symbols for Communication with Blind Children
In this video Elizabeth Torrey, Speech and Language Pathologist in the Early Learning Center at Perkins School for the Blind, talks about the use of tangible symbols in helping children...

Development, Visual Impairment
In, On, and Under: Teaching Children who are Blind About Location
Basic prepositional concepts like in, on, under, behind, etc. can be very difficult for blind children to master. We'll share our ideas to help you teach these concepts.

Fine and Gross Motor
The Bumbo Baby Seat: Helping your baby join in
Learn about the Bumbo Baby Seat and find out why it's great for blind and disabled babies and toddlers who need help sitting up on their own.

Orientation and Mobility
Orientation and Mobility for Children
This site can assist with questions you may have regarding the use of the long white cane, the purpose of the cane, and the importance for individuals who are blind,...

Orientation and Mobility
Paws for Thought: Working with a Guide Dog
This blog is an online diary of training and working with guide dogs.

Fine and Gross Motor
The WaterWayBabies System is a simple, easy-to-use water-based method of stimulating and strengthening your baby to help improve physical and mental development.

The Drive-Thru Carwash, What’s Not To Like? Making the case for Occupational Therapy
Reduce the stress of the weekly errands by helping your child strengthen their sensory response through occupational therapy. The OT Mom, of the Sense-Able Baby website, suggests providing calming sensory...

Development, Feeding and Eating
Picking Up Puffs: Working on Developmental Milestones One Step at a Time
We'll give you tips and ideas on how to set goals and teach your blind baby how to finger feed.

Development, Visual Impairment
Developmental Guidelines for Infants with Visual Impairment
We'll review the book Developmental Guidelines for Infants with Visual Impairment and explain why it's a must read for parents of young blind children and blind babies.