
Read how you want

Read How You Want: Large Print Books

Find out about a wonderful literary service called Read How You Want that provides new books in multiple formats, from large print to Braille.

medical papers

LCA and Kidney Health

LCA can sometimes be associated with kidney disorders. We’ve put together a list of tests that should make sure you or your child’s kidneys are in perfect working order.

Lollipop Kids Foundation

Lollipop Kids Foundation for Kids with Disabilities

Lollipop Kids is a foundation based in Washington, D.C. that is dedicated to fighting the stigma and isolation of families with disabled children. Lollipop programs include respite care, sibling support, and swapping child-sized adaptive equipment as children grow.

Braille touch

Should Blind Kids Learn Braille?

The New York Times takes a look at the decline of braille education in favor of electronic media, including the frank (and conflicting) opinions of those close to the issue. While some blind individuals see braille as ancient technology, others argue that dependence on audio formats has a negative impact on education and employment.

Bionic eye

Retinal Microchip Trials

A British man with retinitis pigmentosa has test driven the bionic eye, a set of implanted receivers that send impulses through the optic nerve and into the brain. Thirty-five test users are trying out the device worldwide, following a four-hour surgical procedure.

retinal implant

Retinal Implants and Visual Cortex Plasticity

The Boston Retinal Implant Project unveiled a prototype prosthetic for people with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and macular degeneration. This post links to a New York Times article which also discusses the adaptable nature of the brain and visual cortex.

Dictionary for Parents of Children with Disabilities

Dictionary for Parents of Children with Disabilities

So many terms used in the world of disabilities have precise medical (and often legal) definitions. To help you sort it all out, we share this dictionary for parents of kids with disabilities. A handy reference for the difference between akathisia and akinesia, or understanding acronyms in the medical record. Includes specific reference numbers for disabilities legislation

Martin Jones

Tooth Implant Restores Sight

An innovation in lens surgery uses a patient’s tooth to hold an optical lens in place. Within 2 weeks of completing the entire procedure, Martin Jones of England was able to see his wife for the first time.

Letting Your Child's Wild Side Out

Letting Your Blind Child’s Wild Side Out

Milagro is an active growing five year-old who is also visually impaired. Her self-confidence and adventurous spirit is no accident. Her mother Graciela believes in letting a child’s wild side out!

happy Ivan

Excited About Stem Cells!

We’re excited about the new embryonic stem cell therapy and its promise to regrow the damaged retina. Learn more about this ongoing research and how it might affect blindness.