Special Needs

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Filter by: Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Autism, Schools for the Blind, Support, Visual Impairment

NFB Logo

Support, Visual Impairment

National Federation of the Blind

The National Federation of the Blind is the largest and most influential membership organization of blind people in the United States. The NFB improves blind people’s lives through advocacy, education,...

Oregon Project

Visual Impairment

Oregon Project for Visually Impaired & Blind Preschool Children

The Oregon Project is a comprehensive assessment and curriculum designed for use with children birth to six who are blind or visually impaired.

You are not alone


Support for Special Needs

Here is a website especially for parents of kids with special needs. Founders Julia and Dawn create a community of families helping families.

Western Pennsylvania school front

Schools for the Blind

Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children

Western Pennsylvania School for the Blind serves children who are visually impaired, including those with additional disabilities.

American Foundation for the Blind

Support, Visual Impairment

American Foundation for the Blind

The American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) is a national nonprofit that expands possibilities for the more than 25 million people with vision loss in the U.S.

people walking with their guide dogs

Support, Visual Impairment

American Council of the Blind

The American Council of the Blind is the nation's leading membership organization of blind and visually impaired people. The Council strives to improve the well-being of all blind and visually...

APH Logo

Braille and Literacy, Visual Impairment

American Printing House for the Blind (APH)

American Printing House for the Blind is the world's largest nonprofit organization creating educational, workplace, and independent living products and services for people who are blind and visually impaired.


Assistive Technology, Visual Impairment

AccessWorld: Technology and People Who Are Visually Impaired

AccessWorld is a monthly online publication. Hear from experts in the field as they write informative and enlightening articles on topics such as leadership, technology, education and rehabilitation.

American Action Fund for Blind Children and Adults

Support, Visual Impairment

American Action Fund for Blind Children and Adults

The American Action Fund for Blind Children and Adults is a service agency which specializes in providing help to blind people which is not readily available to them from government...

7-128 Video Games logo

Visual Impairment

7-128 Video Games for Kids who are Blind

7-128 Software creates games that are accessible to gamers with special needs as well as those less challenged and this makes them easier to use for all.

tangible symbols

Communication, Visual Impairment

Using Tangible Symbols for Communication with Blind Children

In this video Elizabeth Torrey, Speech and Language Pathologist in the Early Learning Center at Perkins School for the Blind, talks about the use of tangible symbols in helping children...

students reading braille in a classroom

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

Bringing Blindness Awareness to the Sighted Classroom

We'll give you some tips on how to teach sighted children about blindness so they can interact with their blind classmates.

parachute with kids running underneath

Toys, Visual Impairment

The Best Toys for Parties and Get Togethers for Kids who are Visually Impaired

Sometimes kids need a little help to get the party started, and that is exactly what party toys are for. We list here our favorite party toys for children who...

nursing baby

Breastfeeding, Visual Impairment

Breastfeeding & Bonding with Your Visually Impaired Infant

Breast feeding a baby can be difficult, especially if they have a vision impairment. Learn about your options when choosing to nurse a blind or visually impaired baby.

annoyed woman


The Cruelty of Strangers: Responding to Rude Comments as a Special Needs Parent

As the parent of a disabled child you've probably encountered a stranger who may have said something hurtful or downright rude. We'll give you advice on how to deal with...

sad woman


Sorting Through the Grieving Process After Receiving a Special Needs Diagnosis

Mary McDonach explains that learning of a child's disability can cause a parent to experience a grief reaction bringing on the standard and familiar stages of grief. She helps you...

Ivan on a ball

Development, Visual Impairment

In, On, and Under: Teaching Children who are Blind About Location

Basic prepositional concepts like in, on, under, behind, etc. can be very difficult for blind children to master. We'll share our ideas to help you teach these concepts.

Irish mountainside

Visual Impairment

Thoughts on Growing Up Blind

Read about how June, who was born blind, was brought up by her grandmother and where she finds herself now.

Ivan when he was a toddler talking on the phone

Support, Visual Impairment

Telephone Support Group for Parents of Visually Impaired Children

If you're the parent of a blind child you probably have lots of questions or maybe just need to talk to someone who understands. Learn about telephone support groups organized...

NCECBVI header boy reading

Schools for the Blind

Nebraska Center for the Education of Children Who are Blind or Visually Impaired

NCECBVI believes communication is the key to effectiveness when it comes to the education of children with vision issues. Located in Nebraska City, they serve children from preschool to high...

surgeons performing eye surgery

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment

Can I get an eye transplant for my blind child?

Sarah J. Blake discusses the use of the term "transplant" in speaking about eyes. She explains what is and is not possible and provides some clear explanation of how corneas...

Access Pass

Play, Special Needs

Free Access to National Parks for Visitors with Disabilities

National Park Service free Access Passes are accepted at all NPS parks and refuges, and cover some fees in the national forests as well. The filing fee for the Access...

Child playing an xylophone

Music Play, Visual Impairment

Are Blind Kids More Musically Inclined?

Adam Ockelford, Professor of Music, Roehampton University announced a study in 2010 that would focus on the relationship between musicality and retinopathy ofprematurity (ROP). This study follows up his similar...

Ivan and dad with Ivan's gait trainer

Assistive Technology, Special Needs, Support

Pass it On: Free Medical Equipment and Assistive Technology

Pass it On recycles used but useable medical equipment and provides it to disabled children in Massachusetts.