Special Needs

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Filter by: Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Autism, Schools for the Blind, Support, Visual Impairment


Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment

Pediatric Cortical Visual Impairment Society (PCVIS)

The mission of the Pediatric Cortical Visual Impairment Society is to advocate for improvement in the quality of life of children with vision loss due to brain disorder, disease or...

speaker silhouette background with title

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

5 TED Talks by Presenters Who Are Blind

Here are five TED Talks given by presenters who are blind. Not only are they entertaining and educational, each speech is perfectly balanced with the right amount of seriousness and...

3 Paralympic Medals with orange ribbon on black background

Special Needs

New Paralympic Medals Will Make You Wish You Were Competing!

The exciting new design incorporates braille and sound for Rio's 2016 Paralympic Games!

Dory, Destiny and Bailey from Finding Dory

Visual Impairment

What You Might Not Know About Destiny the Whale Shark in Finding Dory (HINT: Maybe she needs a white cane?)

There's been a lot of talk about how Dory's disability is represented in Finding Dory, but not so much buzz about the visually impaired whale shark character, Destiny. Let's change...

a family in a row boat

Visual Impairment

15+ Summer Camps for Blind Kids

There are many annual summer camps your blind or visually impaired child or teenager can attend. We found 15 camps for braille, sports, independence, leadership and more!

child playing with EDA PLAY TOBY iPad app

iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment

EDA PLAY TOBY: Visual Training iPad App for Visually Impaired Kids

EDA PLAY TOBY is a free iPad app that can help visually impaired kids learn to use the vision they have. It's a great app for kids with CVI!

rolling the ball by the goal

Play, Visual Impairment

Everything You Need to Know About Goalball for Visually Impaired Athletes

Goalball is a fast-paced and active physical sport that does not require vision to play. It's a fun recreation for children who are blind.

the blind cook

Feeding and Eating, Visual Impairment

The Blind Cook is Cooking with Her Four Senses

This video series features blind chef Christine Ha as she demonstrates cooking without sight. The show also offers nutritional tips and other cool food-related information.

blind student walking at school

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment

Hand Use While Walking: Helping Your Child Who is Blind Understand His Home

Certified Orientation and Mobility instructor Susan Shier Lowry gives tips on how to encourage young blind children to reach out and touch while walking through familiar environments. Trailing techniques are...

Reach Out and Teach

Visual Impairment

Reach Out and Teach: Helping Your Child Who is Visually Impaired Learn and Grow

The empowering guide that teaches parents how to promote the development of young children with visual and multiple impairments.

the Ballyland characters

iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment

Sonokids Software and Apps for Kids who are Visually Impaired

Sonokids is an Australian software company that creates accessible computer and app games for kids who are visually impaired.

accessibility on Apple

Assistive Technology, iPad Apps and Accessibility

Buy Assistive Technology from Apple

You can now purchase assistive technology products directly from Apple on the Global Apple Store. Products are currently available in a variety of categories including Vision, Physical & Motor Skills...

Eric using an anticipator

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment

Anticipators for Young Children with Visual Impairments: Push Toys, Pre-Canes and Long Canes

Early Orientation and Mobility skills for blind children can be taught with pre-canes or push toys. Learn how to choose the best tools and when to introduce them.

Lachlan using brailler

Support, Visual Impairment

Surviving the First 18 Months After Learning Your Child is Blind

Learning your baby is blind is hard... but you will move on! Janine says, "Life was continuing and I started to realize how strong we were becoming. The tears were...

A student with her iPad

iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment

5 Ways to Teach Your Blind Child How to Use an iPad

Tips to help you and your child who is visually impaired learn the basics of how the iPad works and how to use all the accessibility features it has to...