Amber Bobnar

Originally from Hawaii, Amber and her family moved to Massachusetts to be closer to Boston Children’s Hospital where her son, Ivan, now receives medical care.


She has a Master’s degree in English from Tufts University and spends most of her “free time” writing about being a parent of a disabled child on But really most of her time is spent caring for and playing with her son.

Twin boys in a bassinet.

Product Reviews

The 6 Best Twin Bassinets of 2023

We review the best twin bassinets from simple designs to more elaborate offerings with a variety of electronic features.

mom reading medication labels

Health & Nutrition, Special Needs

Managing Medications: 7 Tips for Parents of Medically Complex Kids

When you have a child with complex medical issues chances are they are taking multiple medications. Learn how to make managing meds easier.

A baby wearing knee pads

Crawling, Product Reviews

Best Baby Crawling Knee Pads of 2023

If you want to protect your baby against carpet burns, scrapes and bruises while they crawl then it might be time to purchase baby knee pads.

50 Sensory-Friendly Nonfood Items to Hide in Easter Eggs

Holiday Crafts and Ideas

50+ Sensory-Friendly Nonfood Items to Hide in Easter Eggs

Our list of sensory-friendly nonfood toys to hide in Easter eggs for all those kids who can't or don't eat candy, including kids who are blind, deafblind, autistic or have...

Mom holding pacifier in baby's mouth.

Development, Parenting

Help! How Do I Keep a Pacifier in My Baby’s Mouth?

The tricky thing about using a nighttime pacifier is keeping it in your baby’s mouth so both of you can get a restful, deep sleep. Here's our solutions. 

Crying baby crawling on moms' lap.


How to Discipline a One Year Old Gently but Effectively

Proactive discipline strategies can go a long way toward giving your child the freedom they need to learn and develop naturally.

Angry boy.


Toddler Aggression: When To Worry

Aggressive behaviors are a normal part of your toddler’s development. It’s important to help your child deal with these emotions in a healthy way.

little boy with a bubble tube

Behavior, Sensory Activities

Make Your Own Sensory Room on a Budget

A sensory room is a special space where children with sensory processing disorders or other sensory impairments can focus on limited sensory stimuli.

blind boy walking down stairs

Visual Impairment

Childproofing Your Home for Your Blind Child

Blind kids are very good at mapping their environment and can learn to get around their home safely, but there are things you can do to make that easier.

baby crawling while proud dad watches


The 6 Baby Crawling Types Explained

Crawling is an exciting milestone, but did you know there are different baby crawling types that could be completely normal for your infant?


Crawling, Toys

Crawligator Tummy Time Support

The Crawligator is a safe and fun way to promote tummy time by supporting crawling mobility and helping develop gross motor skills.

little girl sleeping in bed

Sleep, Special Needs

Top 10 Special Needs Beds (and How to Pay for Them)

We list the top special needs beds and their features so you can find the bed that best meets your requirements.