Toddler Aggression: When To Worry
Aggressive behaviors are a normal part of your toddler’s development. It’s important to help your child deal with these emotions in a healthy way.
Behavior, Sensory Activities
Make Your Own Sensory Room on a Budget
A sensory room is a special space where children with sensory processing disorders or other sensory impairments can focus on limited sensory stimuli.
Visual Impairment
Childproofing Your Home for Your Blind Child
Blind kids are very good at mapping their environment and can learn to get around their home safely, but there are things you can do to make that easier.
The 6 Baby Crawling Types Explained
Crawling is an exciting milestone, but did you know there are different baby crawling types that could be completely normal for your infant?
Crawling, Toys
Crawligator Tummy Time Support
The Crawligator is a safe and fun way to promote tummy time by supporting crawling mobility and helping develop gross motor skills.
Sleep, Special Needs
Top 10 Special Needs Beds (and How to Pay for Them)
We list the top special needs beds and their features so you can find the bed that best meets your requirements.
Holiday Crafts and Ideas
20 Multi-Sensory Easter Basket Ideas for Kids with Sensory Impairments
Here are our favorite favorite tactile, talking and developmental Easter toys that would be perfect for your multi-sensory Easter basket.
Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment
Southeastern Guide Dogs
Southeastern Guide Dogs places skilled companion dogs with children with vision loss and guide dogs with teens as young as fifteen.
Potty Training
Best Potty Training Methods of 2023
There isn't one perfect potty training strategy, but really multiple potty training methods to choose from. Which is the right one for your child?
Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Visual Impairment
The Best Christmas Toys for Blind Children!
Find the best toys for blind or visually impaired babies and children for Christmas. For all ages and all abilities!
Holiday Crafts and Ideas
30 Multi-Sensory Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Kids with Sensory Impairments
Here's our list of 30 small multi-sensory toys that are perfect for kids who are blind, deafblind, autistic or have a sensory processing disorder (SPD).
Potty Training
Our 11 Top Potty Training Videos for Kids (and Parents)
Kids love songs and watching videos, so why not incorporate some YouTube clips into your toilet training?
Toys, Visual Impairment
Toys for Blind Children: 7 Tips to Help You Choose the Best Toys
How do you know which toys will work best for your blind child? We'll give you tips on how to choose the best toys!
Toys, Visual Impairment
8 Really Fun Toys for Blind Toddlers
How do you know which toys will work best for your visually impaired toddler? Here are some of our favorite toys for blind two and three year olds.
Holiday Crafts and Ideas
24 Days of Multi-Sensory Christmas Activities for Special Needs Kids
Christmas activities can easily be adapted to any child’s needs or abilities. Plan ahead for a holiday break full of multi-sensory fun!