Amber Bobnar

Originally from Hawaii, Amber and her family moved to Massachusetts to be closer to Boston Children’s Hospital where her son, Ivan, now receives medical care.


She has a Master’s degree in English from Tufts University and spends most of her “free time” writing about being a parent of a disabled child on But really most of her time is spent caring for and playing with her son.


iPad Apps and Accessibility


EDA PLAY ELIS is an iPad app designed for young children who have low vision or CVI and who are learning how to use their vision.

sensory bottles

Visual Impairment

Positive Eye: Training and resources for practitioners working with children with vision impairment

Positive Eye was established five years ago to offer a consultancy and training service to professionals and parents on meeting the educational needs of children and young people with visual...

Water Bottle Peg Board

Fine and Gross Motor

Recycling OT Videos

Barbara Smith shares videos with ideas for making interesting games and toys out of basic materials that will encourage fine motor skills.

tactile easter eggs

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Visual Impairment

Decorating Tactile Easter Eggs with Your Blind Child

Tips and ideas for making accessible tactile Easter eggs with kids who are blind or who have multiple disabilities.

Skoog musical cube

Music Play

Skoog Music Cube

The Skoog is a soft music cube that you can manipulate to create different instrument sounds. It's accessible to children with various disabilities, including physical disabilities.

tactile braille blocks


Taptilo Braille Keychains Giveaway!

Enter to win a free braille keychain made from a Taptilo braille block! You can change the letter by pressing the tabs. Contest ends March 23rd, 2017.

Ivan playing on his iPad

iPad Apps and Accessibility, Special Needs

5 Ways to Get a Free iPad for Your Special Needs Child!

Just because iPads are cheaper than other pieces of assistive equipment doesn't necessarily make them affordable! Here are five tips on how to get grants and funding for a free...

people at a conference

Research Studies

Looking for LCA Advocates to Join Spark’s RPE65 Advisory Boards

This series of Advisory Boards hosted by Spark Therapeutics will be with members of the community living with an RPE65 genetic mutation.

Sensory Activities

Make Your Own Spring Flower Arrangement!

It's time to celebrate spring! Learn how to make a beautiful spring flower arrangment with your child. It's easy and fun!

American Girl doll holding a white cane


Blind Cane for American Girl Doll

An enterprising mom has created a white cane for her visually impaired daughter's American Girl doll and she's selling them on Etsy!

How to Host a Sensory Play Party for Visually Impaired Kids

Sensory Activities, Visual Impairment

How to Host a Sensory Play Party for Visually Impaired Kids

If your child has a sensory impairment like blindness should you still search out sensory play activities? Absolutely! Learn how to make sensory play accessible and host a sensory play...

Ivan and his switch

Assistive Technology, Communication

Switch Play: Using a switch for communication and play!

For children who are non-verbal or have low motor coordination, switches can be a great way to augment their play. If you're just getting started with a switch you may...

Ivan smiling as a baby

Special Needs, Support

What I Wish Someone Had Told Me When My Child was First Diagnosed with a Disability

If you could go back in time to when your child was first diagnosed with a disability, what would you tell yourself? What advice would you give?

Ivan crying

Autism, Behavior

6 Strategies for Addressing Self-Injurious Behaviors

Self injurious behaviors are, unfortunately, not unusual for kids with special needs. These behaviors could be anything from biting, hitting or even banging their head on the walls or furniture....

bake sale

Special Needs

Beyond Bake Sales: How to Raise Money So You Can Attend a Family Conference

Conferences for families of children with disabilities are the perfect places to meet people and learn about your child's condition, but they can be so expensive! Here are ideas that...