Amber Bobnar

Originally from Hawaii, Amber and her family moved to Massachusetts to be closer to Boston Children’s Hospital where her son, Ivan, now receives medical care.


She has a Master’s degree in English from Tufts University and spends most of her “free time” writing about being a parent of a disabled child on But really most of her time is spent caring for and playing with her son.

baby girl sitting on the floor with a stacking toy

Toys, Visual Impairment

Toys for Blind Children: 7 Tips to Help You Choose the Best Toys

How do you know which toys will work best for your blind child? We'll give you tips on how to choose the best toys!

toddler playing with a train set

Toys, Visual Impairment

8 Really Fun Toys for Blind Toddlers

How do you know which toys will work best for your visually impaired toddler? Here are some of our favorite toys for blind two and three year olds.

A family baking cookies together

Holiday Crafts and Ideas

24 Days of Multi-Sensory Christmas Activities for Special Needs Kids

Christmas activities can easily be adapted to any child’s needs or abilities. Plan ahead for a holiday break full of multi-sensory fun!

Baby Bjorn Potty Seat

Potty Training, Product Reviews

BabyBjorn Toilet Trainer Adjustable Toilet Seat Review

The Baby Bjorn Toilet Trainer is by far the best potty seat on the market. Our son loves it!

A stubborn toddler doing potty training

Potty Training

How to Potty Train a Stubborn Toddler

Your child is two and stubborn. And you want to get them to sit on the potty? Are you crazy? Of course not! We'll show you how to do it.

awake baby


Help! My Baby Won’t Sleep!

There are many reasons why a baby won't sleep. We've compiled five reasons why a baby might not sleep. Following each sleep problem is a sleep solution and hopefully you'll...

8 Best Pack 'N Plays

Parenting, Product Reviews

8 Best Pack ‘N Plays of 2023

It can be overwhelming to choose the right pack ‘n play. We list the 8 best pack ‘n plays of 2021 along with pros and cons and special features.

accessible sensory play kits for kids who are blind

Sensory Activities, Toys, Visual Impairment

7 Best Accessible Sensory Play Kits for Kids who are Blind or Visually Impaired

Accessible sensory activity kits for blind children are easier to find than you might think and we've been through a lot of them!

toddler crying on potty

Potty Training

Toddler Scared to Poop on the Potty? 14 Tips to Help

Toilet anxiety is perfectly normal when potty training young children, but there are many ways you can help calm your toddler.

girl sleeping in her Safety Sleeper

Sleep, Special Needs

The Safety Sleeper: A Versatile and Safe Special Needs Bed Solution

The Safety Sleeper is a customizable, fully enclosed special needs bed that is appropriate for both home and travel use.

naked potty training

Potty Training

Naked Potty Training: Yes, It’s a Thing (and It Works)

Naked potty training is the practice of keeping your child nude while potty training. It's not as crazy (or messy) as it sounds and it works!

baby sleeping on a rainbow blanket


Sleep Training with the Ferber Method

Probably the most reliable, though not uncontroversial, way to get your baby to sleep through the night is the Ferber sleep training method.

reward stickers

Potty Training

Potty Training Charts: Do They Work?

Potty training charts are a great motivator because they involve your child and build positive reinforcement while learning to use the toilet.

Cameron sitting in the grass and smiling


Finding Comfort on the Special Needs Journey

Find out how one mother turned her grief and search for support into a best selling book and an online community.

two young children playing with a toy

Toys, Visual Impairment

The Best Toys for Blind Kids and Where to Find Them

How to choose the BEST developmental toys and activities for children who are blind, deafblind or multiply disabled.