Eye Conditions and Syndromes

Learn about different types of eye conditions or syndromes that may affect young children, such as Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI), Leber's Congenital Amaurosis (LCA), Anophthalmia and Microphthalmia, Optic Nerve Hypoplasia (ONH) and Albinism.

Skylar Covich

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment

Dear parents of young children with LCA

Frank Covich writes about his son, Skylar, who was diagnosed with LCA as a baby. Frank wants other parents to understand that the sky is the limit for kids with...


Eye Conditions and Syndromes

New Treatment for LCA in Early Development

Learn about ongoing research and studies into an oral medication, QLT091001, designed to restore vision in patients with certain types of LCA and RP genetic mutations.

Eye doctor illustration

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

American Society of Ocularists

The American Society of Ocularists is an international, non-profit, professional and educational organization founded in 1957 by professionals specializing in the fabricating and fitting of custom-made ocular prosthetics (artificial eyes).

Aniridia Foundation International members

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

Aniridia Foundation International

aniridia is caused when the gene responiable for eye development - the PAX6 gene - does not function correctly. This causes the eye to stop developing too early and when...

eye and light

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

Achromatopisia Network

An information network for individuals and families who are affected by achromatopsia and for professionals interested in achromatopsia.

Stickler Syndrome logo

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

Stickler Syndrome

The mission of Stickler Involved People is to educate and give support to people affected by Stickler Syndrome. They have a shared network and are in the process of starting...

Retina in a test tube

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Health & Nutrition

Japanese Researchers Grow a Retina in a Test Tube

Japanese researchers have used embryonic stem cells to grow retinas in a test tube.

Artificial retina

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Health & Nutrition

More Artificial Retina News

Europe has just approved a device developed by Second Sight Medical and they are working on getting FDA approval in the US.


Eye Conditions and Syndromes

Digital Journal of Ophthalmology

The DJO is a premier, peer-reviewed ophthalmic journal dedicated to the dissemination of information over the World Wide Web.


Eye Conditions and Syndromes

The Association for Retinopathy of Prematurity and Related Diseases (ROPARD)

ROPARD is the first organization in the country dedicated to eliminating the problems of low vision and blindness in children caused by premature birth and retinal disease.

purple eye

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

Macular Degeneration Foundation

The Macular Degeneration Foundation funds scientists searching for a cure for macular degeneration as well efforts to slow the progression of the disease.

NDBC logo

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

National Consortium on Deaf-Blindness (DB-Link)

NCDB is home to DB-LINK, the largest collection of information related to deaf-blindness worldwide.

ANN Info

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

American Nystagmus Network

The American Nystagmus Network is a nonprofit organization established in 1999 to serve the needs and interests of those affected by Nystagmus.

surgeons performing eye surgery

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment

Can I get an eye transplant for my blind child?

Sarah J. Blake discusses the use of the term "transplant" in speaking about eyes. She explains what is and is not possible and provides some clear explanation of how corneas...

rods and cones in the human eye

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

Rods & Cones Transplanted through Stem Cells

Following the successful transplantation of cone cells, a research team from University College London has successfully transplanted rod cells, essential for peripheral and night vision. Cells were injected directly into...

artificial retina

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

The Bio-Retina

NanoRetina of Israel has developed a bionic retinal implant to replace natural photoreceptors, and expects to begin testing within the U.S. in 2013.

medical papers

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

LCA and Kidney Health

LCA can sometimes be associated with kidney disorders. We've put together a list of tests that should make sure you or your child's kidneys are in perfect working order.

CSF Logo

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

CHARGE Syndrome Foundation

The mission of the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation is to provide support to individuals with CHARGE syndrome and their families.

TGF logo

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

The Glaucoma Foundation

The mission of The Glaucoma Foundation (TGF) is to fund groundbreaking research and to educate the public about the disease and the importance of early detection to prevent blindness.


Eye Conditions and Syndromes

ONH/SOD Family Focus (optic nerve hypoplasia/septo optic dysplasia)

FOCUS Families provides Information, Education and Support to those affected by Optic Nerve Hypoplasia (ONH) & Septo Optic Dysplasia (SOD) world wide.

Stargadts banner

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

Stargardts Disease

Stargardts Net is the home for anyone and everyone who has an interest in Stargardts Disease. Via their website they tell their story in the hope of helping others who...


Eye Conditions and Syndromes

The United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation

United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation's mission is to promote research and education for the diagnosis, treatment and cure of mitochondrial disorders and to provide support to affected individuals and families.

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment

What’s genetic testing for LCA?

If you are considering genetic testing to determine the gene causing your child's LCA, you probably have lots of questions about the test as well as the results. We'll try...


Eye Conditions and Syndromes

What are Ciliopathies and How are they Related to Blindness?

The source of retinal pathologies like that associated with Joubert's Syndrome may originate in the cilia of cells. Scientists at UC-San Diego report their findings in this Health Sciences update.