Special Needs

Find support for parents of children with special needs. Learn how to advocate for your child, raise funds for needed equipment and find helpful organizations.

Filter by: Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Autism, Schools for the Blind, Support, Visual Impairment

braille blocks, puzzles and buttons

Braille and Literacy, Toys, Visual Impairment

The Best Braille Toys for Kids Who are Blind

Everything from alphabet blocks to raised line coloring pages and activity books to puzzles to card and board games... and so much more! And it's all in braille ready for...

accessible sensory play kits for kids who are blind

Sensory Activities, Toys, Visual Impairment

7 Best Accessible Sensory Play Kits for Kids who are Blind or Visually Impaired

Accessible sensory activity kits for blind children are easier to find than you might think and we've been through a lot of them!

girl sleeping in her Safety Sleeper

Sleep, Special Needs

The Safety Sleeper: A Versatile and Safe Special Needs Bed Solution

The Safety Sleeper is a customizable, fully enclosed special needs bed that is appropriate for both home and travel use.

two young children playing with a toy

Toys, Visual Impairment

The Best Toys for Blind Kids and Where to Find Them

How to choose the BEST developmental toys and activities for children who are blind, deafblind or multiply disabled.

smiling mother with her child

Support, Visual Impairment

Lighthouse Guild’s National Tele-Support Network

Whether you are a parent of a child with visual impairment, a high school student, young adult, or an adult navigating vision loss, there is a tele-support group for you!

Center for the Visually Impaired

Schools for the Blind, Visual Impairment

Center for the Visually Impaired (CVI)

The Center for the Visually Impaired (CVI) is a comprehensive, fully-accredited nonprofit facility in Atlanta, Ga. that provides services, support and training to people of all ages who are blind...

toddler holding crayons

Tactile Arts and Crafts, Visual Impairment

Tactile and Raised Line Coloring Books for Kids Who are Blind or Visually Impaired

Can coloring books really be accessible for kids who are blind? Yes! Find places to buy raised line coloring books or learn how to make your own!

a paved road at sunset

Parenting, Special Needs

Is Your Caregiver Journey a Challenge or an Opportunity?

Rare is the person who won’t eventually be a caregiver. For me, my caregiving role arose when my mom lost her sight. That role lasted more than twenty years. It...

young girl wearing a pink mask

Education, Special Needs

Returning to School 2021-2022: Concerns for Parents of Children with Special Needs and Medical Complexities

Virtual vs hybrid vs in-person learning? How to make the best back-to-school decisions for your special needs child.

child on a water slide

Play, Visual Impairment

36 Fun Summer Activities for Kids Who are Blind or Multiply Disabled

Here are 36 ideas to help you start planning your fun and accessible summer break for your visually impaired child!

a baby girl wearing vest with recorder

Research Studies, Visual Impairment

Language Research for Parents of Blind Infants

The Bergelson Lab at Duke University is looking for families with blind infants to participate in studies about language development.

laughing woman

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment

Why I laughed when my daughter lost her eye

Gwen tells funny stories about raising her daughter Ivey who has bilateral anophthalmia. Gwen says it's important for us to learn to laugh at ourselves and our lives and teach...

Developmental Journals

Special Needs

Developmental Journal for Young Children with Disabilities

The United Kingdom's Department for Children, Schools and Families provides templates for monitoring educational protocols and developmental goals.

Alexis' room

Visual Impairment

8 Creative and Unique Ideas for Decorating a Blind Child’s Room

Use tactile elements, interesting fabrics and textures, sounds and lights to create the perfect unique space for your blind or visually impaired child.

worried woman

Parenting, Special Needs

My special needs child is getting older and it’s scaring the crap out of me

Does our society support families with adults with special needs? What happens when your special needs child isn't a child anymore?

happy mom with her daughter

Parenting, Special Needs

8 simple ways to be a happier special needs mom

Being happy doesn't just happen, it's a skill that you need to work on and hone. How do you maintain your happiness as a special needs mom?

Music Play, Visual Impairment

Why We Love Music Therapy for Our Blind Son

Jennie writes about how her son, Max, responds to music. Other therapies failed Max and often stressed him out, but Music Therapy has been very successful for him!

potty training

Potty Training, Special Needs

Potty Training Your Special Needs Child

Potty training a child with special needs can be a bit of a challenge. We'll help you decide when your child is ready to potty train and get you started.

mother disciplining child

Behavior, Visual Impairment

How Do I Discipline My Blind Toddler?

How do you discipline a child with special needs? Or, as some might ask, SHOULD you discipline a child with special needs?

Collection of math toys

Math and Science, Toys, Visual Impairment

The Best Accessible Toys for Teaching Basic Math Concepts to Kids who are Visually Impaired

Our favorite accessible math and number toys for teaching numbers, counting and one-to-one correspondence to blind and visually impaired children!

Anchor Center for Blind Children

Schools for the Blind, Visual Impairment

Anchor Center for Blind Children

Anchor Center for Blind Children provides early education and intervention services for children in Denver, Colorado

dad and son having fun at the beach

Behavior, Special Needs

Nurturing the Emotional Development of Children with Disabilities

Lesley Potgieter writes about the emotional development of children with special needs. As we focus on our children's cognitive and physical development, are we ignoring their emotional development?

baby splashing

Development, Visual Impairment

Helping Your Blind Baby Develop Through Play

As the parent of a visually impaired child, I'm sure you worry about your baby's development, both physically and cognitively. How can you be sure that you're doing all that...

Toys, Visual Impairment

Choosing the Best Toys for Your Blind Baby

How do you know which toys will work best for your blind baby? Here are some of our favorite toys that are accessible and inexpensive too!