Special Needs

Find support for parents of children with special needs. Learn how to advocate for your child, raise funds for needed equipment and find helpful organizations.

Filter by: Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Autism, Schools for the Blind, Support, Visual Impairment

Therapist working with low tone boy.

Special Needs

Understanding Low Muscle Tone in Children

Hypotonia, or low muscle tone, is a condition in which a child’s muscles appear floppy, weak, or less stiff than expected for a child.


iPad Apps and Accessibility, Math and Science, Visual Impairment

Sonokids Apps Introduce Space, STEM, and Sonification to Kids Who Are Blind

These iPad apps from Sonokids feature the astronaut character CosmoBally who teaches blind children about space and sonification.

Ivan sleeping in his Safe Place Bedding Travel Bed.

Sleep, Special Needs

Safe Place Bedding Travel Bed Review

Traveling with a special needs child can be stressful! Having a safe, durable, and easy to use travel bed can make traveling so much easier!

Young girl with down syndrome playing with toy blocks alone and wearing noise cancelling earphone.

Autism, Product Reviews

13 Best Noise Canceling Headphones for Autism of 2023

Here are our 13 best noise canceling headphones for autism to help your child cope with loud noises, sound sensitivity, and sensory overload.

CCLVI logo on a purple background.

Visual Impairment

Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (CCLVI)

The Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (CCLVI) is dedicated to providing information and tips to help you live well with vision loss.

Sensory experiences for autistic boy.

Autism, Toys

The 10 Best Sensory Toys for Autism of 2023

There are many sensory toys for children with special needs that will help develop their sensory systems as well as being fun. Here are a few of the best!

Little boy with down syndrome cuddles up to his mother and looks a bit sad.

Autism, Special Needs

How to Help Special Needs Kids Cope with Social Anxiety

Searching for coping tools for social anxiety in children? You can use several effective strategies to help your special needs child cope with anxiety. Let us help!

A mother holding her son.

Special Needs

6 Hard Truths I’ve Learned Being a Special Needs Mom

Parenting a special needs child can be exhausting, both physically and emotionally, but it will also be the most rewarding thing you'll ever do.

Upset toddler having a meltdown.

Autism, Behavior

Sensory Meltdown Survival Guide for Parents

There are many remedies to handle your child’s sensory meltdown. They vary based on the environment and the type of sensitivities your child experiences. 

Little boy using a bowl as a drum.

Play, Visual Impairment

The 8 Best Indoor Activities for Blind Kids

Finding fun activities for your visually impaired child can be a challenge, especially when you are stuck inside all day!

A stepping stone path in a sensory garden.

Sensory Activities, Special Needs

Creating a Sensory Garden for Your Special Needs Child

Anyone can benefit from the sensory experiences in a garden, but sensory gardens are particularly ideal for children with special needs.

sad mom

Special Needs, Support

COVID Taught the World About Grief and Isolation; Special Needs Families Already Learned These Lessons

Maybe the world now recovering from the COVID pandemic can learn something from parents of disabled children who have already developed coping skills.

little girl on a platform swing

Sensory Activities, Special Needs

The 8 Best Sensory Swings for Kids with Special Needs

Sensory swings can create a relaxing space for any child, but they are particularly useful for children with special needs.

Mom and child smiling

Research Studies, Visual Impairment

Family Interactions and Blind Children Research Study

University of Bristol is looking for families who can share videos of their children who are blind interacting with their friends and family.


Aware Bears Support Kids with Disabilities

Find out about Aware Bears and Never-Ending Stories. They aim to change the perception of what people with disabilities are capable of.

Tactile eggs.

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Visual Impairment

11 DIY Tactile Easter Eggs for Kids with Visual Impairments

We'll show you how to make tactile Easter eggs for kids who are blind by adding textures or other tactile elements to your dyed eggs.

A completed leprechaun trap.

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Special Needs

Leprechaun Trap: 3 Accessibility Tips for Special Needs

Leprechaun traps are a traditional March school project and they can be effective special needs curriculum additions as well!

little girl looking through a red block

IEPs, Visual Impairment

CVI Now Creates IEP Guide for Parents of Kids with CVI

Navigating the IEP can be stressful. Learn about the IEP process, what to expect, and how to develop CVI-specific goals and evaluations.

mom reading medication labels

Health & Nutrition, Special Needs

Managing Medications: 7 Tips for Parents of Medically Complex Kids

When you have a child with complex medical issues chances are they are taking multiple medications. Learn how to make managing meds easier.

blind boy walking down stairs

Visual Impairment

Childproofing Your Home for Your Blind Child

Blind kids are very good at mapping their environment and can learn to get around their home safely, but there are things you can do to make that easier.

little girl sleeping in bed

Sleep, Special Needs

Top 10 Special Needs Beds (and How to Pay for Them)

We list the top special needs beds and their features so you can find the bed that best meets your requirements.

baby in a play space

Visual Impairment

Defined Spaces: How to Create Big and Small Playspaces for Children Who are Visually Impaired

A defined space is any area in which meaningful objects are kept in predictable, accessible, and easily detectable locations.

a yellow lab puppy

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment

Southeastern Guide Dogs

Southeastern Guide Dogs places skilled companion dogs with children with vision loss and guide dogs with teens as young as fifteen.

covid vaccine

Autism, Health & Nutrition

Getting My Special Needs Son the COVID Vaccine: One Mom’s Mission

While others debate the pros and cons of the COVID-19 vaccine, some desperate special needs families hopelessly search for resources to get their kids vaccinated.