Special Needs

Find support for parents of children with special needs. Learn how to advocate for your child, raise funds for needed equipment and find helpful organizations.

Filter by: Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Autism, Schools for the Blind, Support, Visual Impairment

the Ballyland characters

iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment

Sonokids Software and Apps for Kids who are Visually Impaired

Sonokids is an Australian software company that creates accessible computer and app games for kids who are visually impaired.

accessibility on Apple

Assistive Technology, iPad Apps and Accessibility

Buy Assistive Technology from Apple

You can now purchase assistive technology products directly from Apple on the Global Apple Store. Products are currently available in a variety of categories including Vision, Physical & Motor Skills...

Eric using an anticipator

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment

Anticipators for Young Children with Visual Impairments: Push Toys, Pre-Canes and Long Canes

Early Orientation and Mobility skills for blind children can be taught with pre-canes or push toys. Learn how to choose the best tools and when to introduce them.

Lachlan using brailler

Support, Visual Impairment

Surviving the First 18 Months After Learning Your Child is Blind

Learning your baby is blind is hard... but you will move on! Janine says, "Life was continuing and I started to realize how strong we were becoming. The tears were...

A student with her iPad

iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment

5 Ways to Teach Your Blind Child How to Use an iPad

Tips to help you and your child who is visually impaired learn the basics of how the iPad works and how to use all the accessibility features it has to...

Ivan and family at first day of preschool

IEPs, Visual Impairment

IEP’s for Parents of Blind or Visually Impaired Children

Learn the basics of creating an IEP for a child with a visual impairment so you can walk in to your IEP meeting perfectly prepared.

baby feet with sand

Parenting, Support

When I Feel Alone as a Mom to a Child With Anophthalmia, I Remember This

Gwen writes about her baby daughter, Ivey, and the medical issues she faces. Gwen finds strength in her friends, family and even strangers who are drawn to her little girl.

Facebook Accessibility

Assistive Technology

Images Now Accessible on Facebook, Twitter

New accessibility features make images accessible to blind users on social networks Facebook and Twitter

A young woman with red hair hugging her guide dog, a yellow lab

Visual Impairment

Looking Good and Feeling Good When You’re Visually Impaired

Fashion blogger Emily Davison discusses teaching kids with visual impairment about appearance, self-esteem and social acceptance.

Ballyland Magic app

iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment

Ballyland Magic App: Introducing iPad Accessibility to Children Who are Blind or Visually Impaired

Ballyland Magic app introduces visually impaired and blind kids to iPad accessibility features like VoiceOver through a fun game. The game is entertaining so they don't even realize they are...

child's hand finger painting

Sensory Activities, Toys, Visual Impairment

The Best Sensory Play Toys for Visually Impaired Kids

We've collected the best sensory toys for blind kids! Find tactile toys, sound toys, scented toys, tasty toys, light toys and vestibular toys.

woman in wheelchair with baby carrier attached

Parenting, Support

Disabled Parenting Project

The Disabled Parenting Project (DPP) is an online space for sharing experiences, advice, and conversations among disabled parents as well as those considering parenthood.

What if I die?

Parenting, Support

“What if I die?” Creating a care plan to combat the secret fear of every special needs parent

If you are the primary caregiver of a special needs child, you probably worry about what would happen if you were gone.

love is blind

Visual Impairment

25 Things Only a Mother of a Child who is Visually Impaired Would Understand

Becoming a parent to any child is magical in its own right, but here is a list of observations about things only a mother of a child who is visually...

Holly with her kids

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

Sometimes I just don’t feel like “teaching” people about blindness

As members of the blindness community, we find ourselves with the opportunity to teach others about blindness all the time. But do you ever want to just skip the teachable...

Parenting, Special Needs

What I wish people understood about raising a medically complex child

Here's something I've learned in the last 10 years: Raising a special needs child is hard, but raising a special needs child who is medically complex is much harder.

photo of baby girl sleeping

Parenting, Special Needs

Parenting a Child with a Rare Disease

Navigating life's path as a parent of a child diagnosed with a rare disease can be hard at times. It's okay to look to others for help.

Ivan sleeping in his new bed

Sleep, Special Needs

Getting a Special Needs Bed Funded Through Insurance

Does your child need a special bed in order to be safe at night? Special needs beds can be prohibitively expensive, so most of us require our insurance to cover...

woman in a sauna


They told me to take care of myself, I told them I’ll sleep when I’m dead

Nicole writes about how difficult it is to find the time and money to get away on a vacation when you're the parent of a child with complex needs -...

four Valentine's activities

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Visual Impairment

Top 10 Valentine’s Day Activities for Kids Who Are Blind

Celebrate love and friendship all month long with these multi-sensory Valentine' sDay activities for kids with visual impairments!

Ivan reading braille

Braille and Literacy, Visual Impairment

Our Favorite Tactile Books for Blind Kids

The best tactile books for blind kids. Find books that provide some nice feedback for kids reading with their fingers!

Holly and her daughters

Visual Impairment

Blind Motherhood

Holly Bonner writes about being a mother to two beautiful little girls. What makes her blog different than most mommy blogs is that Holly is blind. She blogs about life...

The best resources for parents of visually impaired kids

Support, Visual Impairment

Most Popular Shared Resources for Parents of Blind Children

Each year, we see lots of really interesting and exciting resources for parents of blind children shared on WonderBaby.org. Here are the 20 most popular resources shared in 2015!

making snow slime

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Visual Impairment

7 Holiday Sensory Play Ideas for Kids Who are Blind

Holiday multisensory play ideas for kids who are blind or visually impaired, from cold dough to a five-senses touch book and a tactile find and search game.