Amber Bobnar

Originally from Hawaii, Amber and her family moved to Massachusetts to be closer to Boston Children’s Hospital where her son, Ivan, now receives medical care.


She has a Master’s degree in English from Tufts University and spends most of her “free time” writing about being a parent of a disabled child on But really most of her time is spent caring for and playing with her son.

Ivan washing his hands in the sink

Potty Training, Visual Impairment

8 Tips for Surviving Toilet Training in Public Bathrooms with Your Blind Child

Toilet training a child with special needs is difficult enough... have you tackled public bathrooms yet?

rock activities

Math and Science

7 Accessible Science Rock Activities

Even though rocks are everywhere, if you're blind and never stop to pick up a rock, you might miss them! And you could be missing out on so much that...

Ivan using an EazyHold with a mixing spoon

Feeding and Eating, Fine and Gross Motor, Product Reviews

EazyHold: Grip Assist Strap

EazyHold is a simple grip assist strap that easily attaches to objects enabling kids with limited grip strength to accomplish daily living skills.

Ivan figuring out the hidden shape


What’s Inside? Make Your Own Hidden Shape Puzzle

I love games that that don't require any vision to play. This is an easy DIY puzzle that anyone can play by identifying a hidden shape by feel and sound!

mom and Ivan working from home

Special Needs

Why You Should Hire a Special Needs Parent

Are you good at juggling multiple projects? Do you adapt well to change? You may be a special needs parent!

Ivan eating lunch at Panera Bread


Is this as Good as it Gets?

Maybe things are good now, but you know they will just get harder as your child grows up. Disability doesn't get easier as kids get older! Are these days your...

Beautiful Madilyn

Visual Impairment

What Does it Mean to be Blind?

How can you explain blindness to your child when you are sighted? And how can you explain sight to a child who has never seen?

Sensory room


What would you buy for your special needs child if money wasn’t an issue?

Sometimes it's fun to live in fantasy land and imagine what we would give our kids if money were no object. What if you had a million dollars? What would...

Aurora and Wynter comic book covers


Audio Described Comic Books Giveaway!

Enter to win a free download of an audio described comic book from Comics Empower. You'll receive issue #1 of Aurora, a comic book with a blind hero! Giveaway ends...

Ivan playing with parachute

Play, Visual Impairment

Summer Activities for Kids who are Blind

Looking for summer tips and advice to help you keep your blind child active during the break? Join our summer blog party to get advice from parents just like you!

Ivan in his mother's arms

Visual Impairment

The Day I Redefined Perfection as the Mother of a Blind Child

How can your baby be perfect if he can't see? Obviously there is something really wrong with his eyes, and isn't perfect the absence of wrong?

Ivan and mom in the bouncy house


Why a supportive community is so important for special needs kids!

Ivan wanted to join in the inflated obstacle course, but can a child with low muscle tone make it to the end of the course?

White Cane Day


White Cane Day Giveaway!

How do you celebrate White Cane Day on October 15th? How about by entering this giveaway to win this book celebrating the holiday! Contest ends June 25 2015.

All Kinds of You and Me cover art


All Kinds of You and Me Giveaway!

Enter to win a copy of Alastair Moock's new album, All Kinds of You and Me. Contest ends June 1, 2015.

crayons in a picket line


The Day the Crayons Quit Giveaway!

Enter to win a copy of The Day the Crayons Quit in print and braille from National Braille Press (plus lots of other colorful goodies). Contest ends June 25, 2015.