Guest Contributer

Many of the articles written for are contributed by parents or caregivers of children with special needs. Please contact us if you would like to tell your story or share a resource with the community!

boy sitting at table with an iPad

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, iPad Apps and Accessibility

Successful iPad Apps for Children with CVI

A collection of successful iPad apps for kids diagnosed with CVI as recommended by a TVI and CVI specialist.

baby and grandmother touching hands


Grandparents Make a Difference

Carol writes about the birth of her granddaughter, Riley, and how the whole family came together to help each other and support Riley's parents. As Carol says, "LOVE and SUPPORT...

young girl listening to the Ballyland coding app, with a tactile game grid at hand

iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment

How access to an ipad can change a blind child’s life

For children who are blind or visually impaired, iPads represent multi-purpose, portable Assistive Technology devices that can replace expensive AT devices.

To the Mother Whose Life Isn't Taking the Expected Path

Parenting, Support

To the Mother Whose Life Isn’t Taking the Path She Expected

The path of a special needs parent is hard, but you need to choose happiness. You feel countless emotions, each and every one of them, and at some point you...

mom comforting her son


Comforting a Grieving Child

With time, love, and understanding, children can learn to deal with loss in healthy ways. Here is advice on how to talk to your child about death and loss.

Rebecca playing with play-doh

Braille and Literacy, Toys, Visual Impairment

How I will change the world for my deafblind daughter, one toy at a time

One father's journey to imagine, create and even distribute accessible educational toys for children who are visually impaired

child eating with a spoon

Feeding and Eating, Visual Impairment

Teaching a Blind Child How to Use a Spoon Independently

Tips, ideas and resources for teaching your blind child how to scoop and use a spoon on their own without using hand over hand techniques.

a girl in class looking frustrated

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

Learning Advocacy When You Have Low Vision

L. Penny Rosenblum is a TVI, a parent and student advocate, and has a vision impairment. She writes about what it was like learning to advocate for herself as a...

Lucas being independent

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

This Blind Boy Can! How to Teach Your Child Independence and Start a Movement

Sarah writes about the journey her family has traveled as they've taught their blind son Lucas to be as independent as possible. And now she wants to start a movement!...

boy on a school bus

Adoption and Foster Care, Education

Transitioning an Adopted Child to School

Ellen writes about adopting her visually impaired son, Edy, and how they focused on helping him acclimate to his new home and family while also thinking about how they would...

rolling the ball by the goal

Play, Visual Impairment

Everything You Need to Know About Goalball for Visually Impaired Athletes

Goalball is a fast-paced and active physical sport that does not require vision to play. It's a fun recreation for children who are blind.

Eric using an anticipator

Orientation and Mobility, Visual Impairment

Anticipators for Young Children with Visual Impairments: Push Toys, Pre-Canes and Long Canes

Early Orientation and Mobility skills for blind children can be taught with pre-canes or push toys. Learn how to choose the best tools and when to introduce them.

Lachlan using brailler

Support, Visual Impairment

Surviving the First 18 Months After Learning Your Child is Blind

Learning your baby is blind is hard... but you will move on! Janine says, "Life was continuing and I started to realize how strong we were becoming. The tears were...

love is blind

Visual Impairment

25 Things Only a Mother of a Child who is Visually Impaired Would Understand

Becoming a parent to any child is magical in its own right, but here is a list of observations about things only a mother of a child who is visually...

Nick, Mia and Jo

Visual Impairment

Raising a Blind Baby: A Father’s Perspective

Nick writes about learning that his baby daughter, Mia, is blind with LCA. Most blog posts are written by mothers, but here Nick writes from the father's point of view.