Amber Bobnar

Originally from Hawaii, Amber and her family moved to Massachusetts to be closer to Boston Children’s Hospital where her son, Ivan, now receives medical care.


She has a Master’s degree in English from Tufts University and spends most of her “free time” writing about being a parent of a disabled child on But really most of her time is spent caring for and playing with her son.

The braille bag

Braille and Literacy

Make Your Own Braille Bag!

Here's a crafty idea that's simple and will also help raise braille awareness. Make a cute braille bag for your child and they'll be the talk of the town!

Ivan brailling

Braille and Literacy

Word Association Print/Braille Labels

Print/Braille labels from the American Printing House for the blind (APH) help you introduce Braille to your blind or visually impaired child.

Developmental Guidelines for Infants with Visual Impairment

Development, Visual Impairment

Developmental Guidelines for Infants with Visual Impairment

We'll review the book Developmental Guidelines for Infants with Visual Impairment and explain why it's a must read for parents of young blind children and blind babies.

baby with iPod

Music Play

Coolest CD’s for Kids

The best children's music that you've probably never even heard of. Check out these great performers and support up-and-coming stars!

mom watching baby crawl

Visual Impairment

Yes You Can! How to encourage your blind child without pushing too hard

Have you ever thought about all the things your child *can't* do because of their disability? It can be depressing, but one way to get over that is to figure...

making cake

Cooking and Kitchen Play, Visual Impairment

Learning in the Kitchen: Helping Your Blind Child Make Their Own Cake

Start a new tradition this year... Get your child in the kitchen and have them help you bake a cake! The smells and tastes are so yummy plus they'll get...


Eye Conditions and Syndromes

What’s an ERG?

If you are the parent of a baby or young child who has been tentatively diagnosed with LCA, your doctors probably suggested that your child have an electroretinogram (ERG) in...

Ivan with his dad in his sensory play area

Sensory Activities, Visual Impairment

Make Your Own Sensory Play Area for Your Blind Baby

What if you could design your own play area that would stimulate your blind baby's senses and make them feel safe and willing to explore at the same time?

red apple prints on white paper

Tactile Arts and Crafts

Apple Prints Art Project

Learn how to make an apple prints sensory art project with your blind child. It's easy and fun!

Mom with Baby Bjorn Travel Crib

Product Reviews, Sleep

Choosing the Best Portable Crib for Your Baby

How to choose the best travel crib for your baby without waisting your time or your money. We'll show you how to make your dollar really count when buying a...

Ivan on a plane

Special Needs

Our Trip to Cleveland: Looking for a Diagnosis

I tell the story of our trip to Cleveland where we visited the Cleveland Sight Center. Ivan had an ERG and was diagnosed with LCA. We also attended the LCA...

Ivan in his mini play area

Fine and Gross Motor, Sensory Activities, Toys

Make Your Own Mini Play Area!

If you don't have the space or money to invest in a large sensory play area for your blind baby we've got the solution for you!