Discover fun and creative ideas to encourage play time with toys, light play, music, multi-sensory activities and tactile art. Also find seasonal holiday crafts!
Filter by: Cooking and Kitchen Play, Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Light Play, Music Play, Sensory Activities, Tactile Arts and Crafts, Toys
Music Play
Using Music to Connect the Generations
Grandparents love to sing to their grandkids. Aside from being a wonderful way to bond with your young child, music is a great tool to connect the generations and help...
WonderBaby T-Shirts! is selling t-shirts for kids! Come get your t-shirt for your baby in bright, bold colors. Each shirt says "I am a WonderBaby."
Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Visual Impairment
Decorating Tactile Easter Eggs with Your Blind Child
Tips and ideas for making accessible tactile Easter eggs with kids who are blind or who have multiple disabilities.
Music Play
Skoog Music Cube
The Skoog is a soft music cube that you can manipulate to create different instrument sounds. It's accessible to children with various disabilities, including physical disabilities.
Sensory Activities
Make Your Own Spring Flower Arrangement!
It's time to celebrate spring! Learn how to make a beautiful spring flower arrangment with your child. It's easy and fun!
Blind Cane for American Girl Doll
An enterprising mom has created a white cane for her visually impaired daughter's American Girl doll and she's selling them on Etsy!
Sensory Activities, Visual Impairment
How to Host a Sensory Play Party for Visually Impaired Kids
If your child has a sensory impairment like blindness should you still search out sensory play activities? Absolutely! Learn how to make sensory play accessible and host a sensory play...
Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Visual Impairment
Talking Easter Eggs: Making Easter Accessible for Kids who are Blind
Talking or beeping easter eggs make Easter much more fun and inclusive for children who are blind or visually impaired. We'll show you a couple of places where you can...
Cooking and Kitchen Play, Visual Impairment
What can your blind child learn while baking in the kitchen?
The kitchen is the perfect place to teach your visually impaired child important life lessons. Think about all the things you learn just while making cookies!
Light Play, Toys, Visual Impairment
Top 10 Light Toys for Kids Who Are Visually Impaired
It may seem like $10 won't get you much these days, but here you'll find the best inexpensive light toys for kids who are visually impaired!
Holiday Crafts and Ideas
The one question I can’t answer as a special needs mom during the holidays
There is pain watching a child open a gift you know isn't appropriate for them, and I don't want to deny loved ones the joy of giving a gift. How...
Braille and Literacy, Holiday Crafts and Ideas
Winter Holidays Braille Book List
Find out where you can access your favorite holiday books including the classics in accessible braille and audio formats for children who are blind.
Holiday Crafts and Ideas
To the Special Needs Family Who Just Can’t Do Christmas This Year
A message for all the parents of special needs kids who just can't do Christmas this year: It's OK. Skip it.
Holiday Crafts and Ideas
Receive a Braille Letter from Santa
Santa Reads Braille! Your child can receive a braille letter from Santa himself!
Light Play, Sensory Activities
Best DIY Light Table Tutorials & Ideas
Have you ever considered making your own light table or light box? Here you'll find five of the best DIY light table tutorials, ranked from the more difficult and complex...
Holiday Crafts and Ideas
Santa’s Little Hackers: Free Adapted Toys for Kids with Disabilities
Santa's Little Hackers is a seasonal toy drive to adapt toys. They make simple modifications to the electronics of toys and give them away.
Special Needs Rib It Ball from Playability Toys
The Rib It Ball is a large inflatable ball that is light, easy to hold on to (because of those "ribs" along the ball) and comes in bright contrasting primary...
Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Tactile Arts and Crafts, Visual Impairment
Fall Sensory Art Projects for Visually Impaired Kids
Choose from five wonderfully crafty art projects adapted for blind children that celebrate fall! Make prints and wreaths with apples and leaves, create your own tree, or decorate pumpkins!
Holiday Crafts and Ideas
Make Your Own Jellyfish Wheelchair Costume
Looking for a fun wheelchair costume idea for Halloween? How about making your own jellyfish wheelchair costume... complete with lights!
Holiday Crafts and Ideas
7 Accessible Halloween Activities from Sensory Sun
Sensory Sun provides activities, curriculum and resources for families with kids who are blind or visually impaired, and their Halloween posts are really a treat!
Advocacy, Toys
#ToyLikeMe Brings Disability Awareness to the Toy Box
#ToyLikeMe is bringing revolution to the toy box by advocating major toy companies to include representations of disabilities in their product lines.
Cooking and Kitchen Play, Visual Impairment
Making Lunch Time More Fun for Blind Kids
We've rounded up some tips and fun ideas to help you plan ahead to make your child's lunch quick to assemble, plus fun and healthy too!
LEGO® Set with Boy in Wheelchair Figure
The highly-aniticpated LEGO set including a minifigure in a wheelchair is now available for purchase!
Play, Visual Impairment
Everything You Need to Know About Goalball for Visually Impaired Athletes
Goalball is a fast-paced and active physical sport that does not require vision to play. It's a fun recreation for children who are blind.