Amber Bobnar

Originally from Hawaii, Amber and her family moved to Massachusetts to be closer to Boston Children’s Hospital where her son, Ivan, now receives medical care.


She has a Master’s degree in English from Tufts University and spends most of her “free time” writing about being a parent of a disabled child on But really most of her time is spent caring for and playing with her son.

Run, Play, Move


Run, Play, Move Giveaway!

Enter to win a free copy of Run, Play, Move, a book by Matt LaCortiglia that will show you how to adapt any sport or game for any child. Visually...

Stacey Peasley's Together


Friendship Music Giveaway!

Enter our giveaway to win two wonderful CDs that celebrate friendship. We love Stacey Peasley's new CD, Together, and Charlie Hope's newest album, Let's Go Play.

Eye doctor illustration

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

American Society of Ocularists

The American Society of Ocularists is an international, non-profit, professional and educational organization founded in 1957 by professionals specializing in the fabricating and fitting of custom-made ocular prosthetics (artificial eyes).


Braille and Literacy

Michigan Braille Transcribing Fund (MBTF)

America's largest and most advanced producer of braille and tactile resources transcribes traditional texts, graphics, legal documents, users manuals and more. Download their PDF catalog for their current titles.

No Bones About It logo

Orientation and Mobility

No Bones About It: Official Blog of Guide Dogs for the Blind

No Bones About it is the official blog of Guide Dogs for the Blind. You can enjoy great posts by frequent No Bones About It contributors.

Aniridia Foundation International members

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

Aniridia Foundation International

aniridia is caused when the gene responiable for eye development - the PAX6 gene - does not function correctly. This causes the eye to stop developing too early and when...

students reading braille in a classroom

Schools for the Blind

American Council of Blind Students

The American Council of Blind Students (ACBS) is the student affiliate of the American Council of the Blind, the nation's leading consumer and advocacy organization of people who are blind...

Using the plate-mate

Feeding and Eating

My Plate-Mate Adaptive Feeding Aid

My Plate-Mate is a children’s teaching tool for eating. It helps a toddler learn how to successfully eat with a utensil and plate while minimizing the mess that comes with...

National Organization of Parents of Blind Children

Support, Visual Impairment

National Organization of Parents of Blind Children (NOPBC)

Founded in 1983, the National Organization of Parents of Blind Children is a national membership organization of parents and friends of blind children reaching out to each other to give...

eye and light

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

Achromatopisia Network

An information network for individuals and families who are affected by achromatopsia and for professionals interested in achromatopsia.

Special Needs

Positive Exposure: Photography & Uplifting Stories

POSITIVE EXPOSURE, founded in 1997 by former fashion photographer Rick Guidotti and Diane McLean, is a highly innovative arts organization working with individuals living with genetic difference.

Stickler Syndrome logo

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

Stickler Syndrome

The mission of Stickler Involved People is to educate and give support to people affected by Stickler Syndrome. They have a shared network and are in the process of starting...

CARE project by NOAH


IEP Resources for Children with Albinism

NOAH provides parents and educators of school aged children with albinism with resource information that will aid them in formulating their child’s IEP.

Joubert Syndrome Foundation Logo


Joubert Syndrome Foundation

The Joubert Syndrome & Related Disorders Foundation is an international network of parents who share knowledge, experience, and emotional support. The foundation offers a networking list, newsletter, and a biennial...

Future Reflections

Support, Visual Impairment

Future Reflections: magazine for parents and teachers of blind children

Future Reflections is a magazine for parents and teachers of blind children. It is published quarterly by the American Action Fund for Blind Children and Adults in partnership with the...