Amber Bobnar

Originally from Hawaii, Amber and her family moved to Massachusetts to be closer to Boston Children’s Hospital where her son, Ivan, now receives medical care.


She has a Master’s degree in English from Tufts University and spends most of her “free time” writing about being a parent of a disabled child on But really most of her time is spent caring for and playing with her son.



audiojack: Making movies with sound

audiojack allows you to listen to or create movies made entirely of sound. No words, no music, no images... just sounds. Download sound effects from their free library and create...

Sensory Sound Box

iPad Apps and Accessibility

Sensory Sound Box App Review

This is one of our favorite apps! Run your finger along the screen and listen to the tune change from high to low as a bright colorful explosion flows from...

Cause and Effect Sensory Light Box

iPad Apps and Accessibility

Sensory Light Box App Review

Sensory Light Box is a really well made cause-and-effect app that creates sounds and lights when your finger is on the screen, then stops when you remove your finger. The...

A student learning braille in class

Education, Visual Impairment

Introducing Your Blind Child to a New Teacher

When your child is visually impaired it's kind of scary to hand him off to a new teacher. Here's a solution: Create a welcome packet of materials about your child...



LessonPix Online Materials: Symbols & Visuals

Large pictures can be a great way to introduce concepts to children with low vision and can really help kids who need help with communication.

Ivan picking up a cup and playing his tactile matching game

Sensory Activities

Make Your Own Tactile Matching Game

Ever thought about making a tactile matching game? This is a great activity for blind children. All you need is a collection of cleaned plastic snack cups and a few...

Caroline's Cart

Special Needs

Caroline’s Cart: Shopping with a Special Needs Child

Drew Ann Long has developed an accessible shopping cart designed specifically for larger children and adults with low muscle tone and multiple disabilities.

ViA App Review

iPad Apps and Accessibility

ViA App Review

Braille Institute's ViA app helps visually impaired users find apps that have been pre-approved and reviewed by other blind users.

Sensory Friendly Films


Sensory Friendly Films

This program provides a special opportunity for families to enjoy their favorite films in a safe and accepting environment.

VOC logo

Special Needs

The Vision of Children Foundation

The Vision of Children is a California organization dedicated to curing hereditary childhood blindness and other vision disorders and to improve the lives of visually impaired children and their families.

Handmade sponge ball

Sensory Activities

Make Your Own Sponge Ball!

Just take a sponge, cut it up and tie the pieces together to make a sponge ball... and now you have a fun toy to play with in the bath...

Stir It Up!


Cookbook Giveaway!

Enter to win a copy of the new cookbook from National Braille Press, Stir It Up! Recipes and Techniques for Young Blind Cooks. Giveaway ends July 30th.