Amber Bobnar

Originally from Hawaii, Amber and her family moved to Massachusetts to be closer to Boston Children’s Hospital where her son, Ivan, now receives medical care.


She has a Master’s degree in English from Tufts University and spends most of her “free time” writing about being a parent of a disabled child on But really most of her time is spent caring for and playing with her son.

Talking with Baby Cover


Sign Language Book Giveaway!

Give your child the best gift of all this year: the gift of communication. Enter to win Marsha Peterson's book that will help you teach your child sign language, Come...

Music Cube


Magic Cube Giveaway!

We want to share with you one of our absolutely all-time favorite toys: The Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube! Enter to win this deceptively simple toy that introduces cause and effect,...

celtic christmas


Christmas Music Giveaway!

Enter to win three wonderful Christmas albums for children! From classic carols to new rock and roll tunes, there's something here for every family.

Silent Night Board Book


Christmas Book Giveaway!

Enter to win three Christmas board books from Seedlings with print and braille: Biscuit's Pet & Play Christmas, Silent Night, and Christmas Angel.



BigBear PizzaBox Video Game Giveaway!

Are you looking for video games that are both accessible to children with little or no vision as well as appropriate for young kids? Look no further! Enter to win...

memory caps game


Puzzle Game Giveaway!

We're giving away two awesome puzzle games that are entirely accessible: The Memory Caps Game and The Slide, Twist 'n Solve Puzzle.

Cowboy and horse wheelchair costume

Holiday Crafts and Ideas

Halloween Costume Ideas for Canes and Wheelchairs

Kids with disabilities love Halloween too! Here are ideas that will incorporate your child's wheelchair or white cane into their costume.

Halloween pumpkin

Holiday Crafts and Ideas

Kid-Friendly Halloween Songs

Did you know that there are some amazing kids musicians creating new Halloween classics that will really get you in the spirit? We've collected our top ten favorites and created...

School logo consisting of initial caps and braille dots

Schools for the Blind

North Dakota Vision Services/School for the Blind

North Dakota Vision Services/School for the Blind strives to be a statewide leader in services to the blind or visually impaired.

SleepSafe Beds

Sleep, Special Needs

SleepSafe Beds: Beautiful Safe Beds for Special Needs Kids

SleepSafe Beds are the perfect choice for children who need a large bed with high sides. These beds are sturdy and strong and well-padded for safety. They come with many...

Blind Skills Videos

Visual Impairment

Blind Skills Videos

The Washington State School for the Blind has created a series of videos describing how to do simple tasks with little or no vision, such as how to zip a...

World of Dreams


Lullaby Music Giveaway

Soothing lullabies are a wonderful way to help kids relax and transition to bed time. We've got two of our all time favorite sleepy time CDs for children.

Ivan at the audiologist


A Visit to Audiology

We visit an audiologist to check our blind son's hearing. What will the audiologist do? What can we learn?

Holiday Crafts and Ideas

No Therapies for a Month? Taking the Summer Off with Your Special Needs Child

When kids are out of school and therapies slow down, what do you do? Do you plan a vacation? Spend more time fishing with dad? Or feel guilty that your...

Battat Sound Puzzle Box


Battat Sound Puzzle Box

Every time you place a block in the correct hole, it slowly falls down the chute and makes a unique noise, so for kids with vision impairments there's some added...