Orientation and Mobility
The UltraCane is an electronic cane for visually impaired users that delivers feedback through small vibrating buttons in the handle. Its ultrasound system provides information about obstacles in front of...
Home of Song Giveaway!
Enter to win a copy of Paul Spring's new family folk-rock CD, Home of Song. Giveaway ends May 23rd.
Braille and Literacy
Sadie Can Count Book in Large Print and Braille
Sadie Can Count is a wonderful book for beginners. It has large print and Braille text, full color and fully embossed pictures. Beginning readers, sighted, blind or visually impaired can...
Special Needs Travel Mom
The Special Needs Travel Mom writes about her travels with her entire family, including her daughter with special needs. Her daughter is blind, non-verbal, uses a wheelchair for mobility, and...
Bunny in the Moon CD Giveaway!
Enter to win a copy of DidiPop's new amazing lullaby CD, Bunny in the Moon. Winners will be asked to write a short review of the CD after listening to...
Braille and Literacy
Braille Resource Packet for Parents of Young Children
This is a collection of articles, book ideas, instructions and activities for parents who want to teach early literacy and braille skills to their young children who are blind.
How to Make an Accessible Playground
Liam's mom shows you step-by-step how she created the perfect accessible outdoor play space for her deaf-blind son!
Eye Conditions and Syndromes
Deaf-Blind Family Guide
The Oregon Deaf-Blind Project has created a family guide for parents of children diagnosed with deaf-blindness.
Eye Conditions and Syndromes
Eye Power Kid’s Wear
Eye Power Kid's Wear creates adorable print T-shirts specially designed for kids who wear glasses or a patch!
Schools for the Blind
Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
The Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired serves children and young adults statewide who are blind or visually impaired, with or without additional disabilities.
Braille and Literacy
National Braille Press
The guiding purposes of National Braille Press are to promote the literacy of blind children through braille and to provide access to information that empowers blind people to actively engage...
Education, Special Needs
Family Engagement and Children with Disabilities: A Resource Guide for Educators and Parents
This resource guide is intended to bridge the gap between school and home and help families become greater partners in their children's educations.
The Backpacking SMART Brailler Event!
Mr. SMART Brailler is taking a trip around the U.S. and wants to come visit you! We are choosing 6 families to be visited by the SMART Brailler and one...
Braille and Literacy
Make Your Own Big & Little Book!
Really good tactile books can be hard to find, especially if you are looking for tactile books that teach a simple concept like shapes or sizes. So why not make...
Math and Science
Fun & Accessible Math & Number Activities!
Did you know that math can be fun and that preschool math activities can be made accessible? Here is a list of five fun activities that will teach your child...