Amber Bobnar

Originally from Hawaii, Amber and her family moved to Massachusetts to be closer to Boston Children’s Hospital where her son, Ivan, now receives medical care.


She has a Master’s degree in English from Tufts University and spends most of her “free time” writing about being a parent of a disabled child on But really most of her time is spent caring for and playing with her son.

Lily LightAide


The Backpacking LightAide Program!

Lily LightAide is traveling across the United States and wants to come visit you! Apply to be part of this program and find out how the LightAide can help your...

iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment

Our Favorite Apps for Children Who are Visually Impaired

A collection of 15 (mostly free!) apps perfect for kids who are blind or visually impaired. Listed in categories ranging from visual stimulation to communication and fine motor needs.

EDA Play App

iPad Apps and Accessibility

EDA Play App Review

EDA Play is an app designed to enhance your child's visual and fine motor skills through 4 levels of play. The best part about this app is that it is...

2 children working on a science experiment

Math and Science, Visual Impairment

Independence Science for Visually Impaired Students

Independence Science strives to create science classrooms that exhibit the full integration of students with disabilities. They provide matrerials, resources and advice that may not be available through a local...

QR Code iD logo


QR Code iD: Finding Your Child When They are Lost

This handy system can help you find your child if he wanders off! Just keep the QR Code on his person (as a tag or on clothing) and anyone who...

100 hungry ants


100 Hungry Ants Giveaway!

Enter to win a copy of 100 Hungry Ants (with snap cubes!) from National Braille Press. This book is in print and braille and comes with a set of snap...

Handmade Tactile Book

Holiday Crafts and Ideas, Tactile Arts and Crafts

Make Your Own Tactile Summer Memory Book

Make a tactile summer memory book with your child who is blind or visually impaired so they can remember what they did over summer break and share with their classmates...

Two kids bowling

Behavior, Visual Impairment

Developing Social Skills in Children Who are Blind or Visually Impaired

In this webcast, Sharon Sacks discusses the importance of including social skills instruction when teaching children who are blind or visually impaired.

Baby in a Merry Muscles jumper

Fine and Gross Motor

Merry Muscles: A Jumper for Big Kids!

Merry Muscles is a jumper that connects to a door frame or beam in your ceiling. What makes it special is that they carry ALL sizes, from baby up to...


iPad Apps and Accessibility, Music Play

Bebot Music App Review

Bebot is a simple sound cause and effect app that makes funny synth robot sounds. Touch the screen and make the robot sing!

STACS cards


STACS: Standardized Tactile Augmentative Communication Symbols Kit

Tactile symbol systems are valuable tools that aid learners with conversations about people, places, events, and ideas.

Joe Cutter

Orientation and Mobility

Little Long Canes

This is a wonderful 18 minute video interview with Joe Cutter, renowned early childhood Orientation and Mobility instructor who pioneered the use of the cane with very young children. He...

NBP iOS Success


iOS Success Giveaway!

Enter to win a print copy of the new book iOS Success: Making the iPad Accessible from National Braille Press. This is a must read for all parents and TVIs!...

eSight Eyewear

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

eSight Eyewear

eSight Eyewear is a new low vision assistive device that you wear. It is custom fit, runs on batteries and can bring clearer vision to near, far and mid-range tasks.

Mirielle in her sunglasses

Eye Conditions and Syndromes

Cocoons Sunglasses for Kids with Photophobia

Cocoons makes polarized sunglasses that fit over prescription glasses and are great for kids with who are also photophobic or highly sensitive to sunlight.