Special Needs

Find support for parents of children with special needs. Learn how to advocate for your child, raise funds for needed equipment and find helpful organizations.

Filter by: Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Autism, Schools for the Blind, Support, Visual Impairment

Eye health

Health & Nutrition, Visual Impairment

New Developments in Treatments for Blindness

There are several exciting new technologies designed to improve vision. Retinitas pigmentosa, macular degeneration and other eye issues have new treatments.

Pinterest for parents of blind children

Visual Impairment

21 Pinterest Boards All Parents of Blind Kids MUST Follow!

Pinterest is one of the best ways for a parent of a child with special needs to find what they need on the internet. Here are my favorite Pinterest boards...

green piggy bank

Special Needs

Future Planning for your Child with Disabilities

A recent editorial in the New York Times discusses the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act and how important it is for parents and children with disabilities so they...

Kids playing together

Special Needs, Toys

Adapting Toys for Special Kids

An Ohio mom has created a lending library of adapted games for children of all abilities, from those with developmental delays to those with significant disabilities.

help and support

Braille and Literacy, Support

Bookshare’s Parent Ambassador Program

Bookshare, the free program that offers printed material in an accessible format to those who are unable to easily access printed material, is offering a free parent forum, allowing parents...

Georgia Academy for the Blind logo

Schools for the Blind

Georgia Academy for the Blind

Georgia School for the Blind is located in Macon, Georgia, and serves the needs of Georgia's blind population, with or without additional disabilities.

Anova Education and Behavior Services Logo

Autism, Schools for the Blind

Anova Education and Behavior Services

Anova is a Northern California non-profit K-12 school and treatment center specializing in children with autism and related social, emotional, and behavioral needs.

17 Braille Innovations

Braille and Literacy, Visual Impairment

17 Braille Innovations That Don’t Exist Yet… But Should!

A lot of the coolest ideas involving braille aren't actually on the market yet. Listed here are some of my favorite braille concepts. And maybe if we reach out to...

sign reading We welcome all visitors with disabilities. Please let us know if we can better serve you.

Play, Visual Impairment

Accessible Baseball

Summer just isn't summer without a trip to see a Major League Baseball game! Here are tips to make your visit both fun and accessible for children who are blind...

Ivan reading the book

Advocacy, Visual Impairment

What to Read When you Learn your Baby is Blind

A list of books (and videos) that parents of blind & visually impaired children should read (and watch). We've listed only the best of the best here so you can...

Music Sheet in Braille

Music Play, Visual Impairment

Making Music Accessible to Blind Musicians

A revolutionary 3-D printing system makes music easier to read for blind musicians. Invented by a blind South Korean musician as part of her doctoral dissertation, it makes music accessible...

child with handheld CCTV

Assistive Technology, Visual Impairment

Assistive Technology Grants for the Blind

The Association of Blind Citizens is accepting grant applications for funding assistance with assistive technology and software.

NewView Oklahoma logo

Special Needs

NewView Oklahoma

NewView Oklahoma is an Oklahoma City-based nonprofit that focuses on helping people who are blind and visually impaired.

Example of one way to assist with word recognition: sample boards

Education, Special Needs

Teaching Learners with Multiple Special Needs

This blog features extensive teaching resources for those educators teaching learners with multiple and severe special needs.

Google's self-driving car is rounded with no mirrors or other protrusions.

Assistive Technology

Self-Driving Car from Google

Google is creating a self-driving car that can go 25 mph and carry two people. It's currently in prototype testing but they hope to have it on the road this...

Stephen Perreault


The Relationship Between Parents and Professionals

Watch this webcast about building relationships between parents and the professionals who work with their children who are blind or visually impaired, with or without additional disabilities.

Smartphone over printed text, showing larger.

Assistive Technology, Orientation and Mobility

Verizon Creates Navigational Tools to Promote Independence for Blind Users

Being blind means giving up a lot of independence; this new technology from Verizon gives blind people real-time information about their environment, including colors, textures, nav cues, and more, using...

A foot on a soccer ball

Play, Visual Impairment

Brazil’s Blind Soccer Team

With the World Cup happening, soccer fever is spreading. And if you think there’s no place out on the soccer pitch for a person who is blind, think again, because...

Ivan in his bed

Autism, Behavior, Sleep

3 Tips for Choosing Pajamas for Kids with Sensory Processing Disorders

Is night time a nightmare? Here are 3 tips for choosing the best pajamas for kids with autism or sensory processing disorders (SPD).

Abby at the water park

Support, Visual Impairment

5 Steps to Overcoming Your Child’s Vision Loss

I had thought about calling this post, “My 6 year old child became blind now what?” When my daughter first started losing her vision, that's the book I was looking...

3D printer creating an image

Assistive Technology, Math and Science

3D Printed Pictures of Space

Astronomers at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore are working on a project creating 3D images of photos taken by the Hubble Telescope for people who are visually impaired.

Color Logo of Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired

Schools for the Blind

The Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired

The Children's Center for the Visually Impaired in Kansas City, Missouri serves any infant to school-age child who is blind or visually impaired by providing “innovative and stimulating programs customized...

Logo of IESDB

Schools for the Blind

Idaho School for the Deaf and Blind

Idaho School for the Blind provides supplemental educational services, early intervention/education, consultation and transition support to families and local school districts throughout Idaho.

Illinois School for the Visually Impaired main building

Schools for the Blind

Illinois School for the Visually Impaired

Illinois School for the Visually Impaired serves as a statewide educational resource offering students with visual impairments quality educational services which will enable them to become personally productive and self-sufficient...