iPad Apps and Accessibility
Reviews and news about iPads and apps for children with special needs. Learn how to make the most of the assistive technology options built in to your iPad!
iPad Apps and Accessibility
BLITAB Braille Tablet
First-ever braille tablet developed by start-up company BLITLAB Technology. This will revolutionize access to braille!
iPad Apps and Accessibility
How to See a Smile Even Without Sight
New app lets users know when someone is smiling at them!
iPad Apps and Accessibility
Crazy Gears app with CVI settings
This app that teaches cause and effect and basic math concepts also has a built in "cortical visual impairment option" that allows you to change the color scheme.
Braille and Literacy, iPad Apps and Accessibility
iBrailler Notes App Review
iBrailler Notes is a notetaker app for the iPad that features a standard Brailler keyboard, user calibration and multiple export options.
iPad Apps and Accessibility
Tiggly Interactive Toys & Apps Review
Tiggly has developed two sets of multiple award-winning tactile toys, Tiggly Shapes and Tiggly Counts, to interact with their six free iPad apps to enrich the learning experience through hands-on...
iPad Apps and Accessibility
Stay Still, Squeaky! iBook Review
"Stay Still, Squeaky!" is a wonderful resource for learning the basics of using a touch screen device and a variety of early learning skills, promoting independence and empowerment for users...
iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment
Be My Eyes App: Lend Your Eyes to the Blind
This iPhone app allows visually impaired users to connect with sighted users in real time in order to receive assistance with simple tasks.
iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment
Breakthrough App Reads Print for the Blind
This cool new app lets you use your smartphone to translate printed material into spoken words, letting the user "read" virtually anything. The app is available on iTunes and was...
iPad Apps and Accessibility
Osmo: A Fun, Tactile & Engaging Way to Use Your iPad
The Osmo Game System uses special adaptations to make the iPad more interactive, allowing users to manipulate real tangible objects while using their iPad. It promotes social skills, creative thinking...
iPad Apps and Accessibility
Free Accessible Apps from AFB for Blind Users
Two free apps for visually impaired mobile phone users: CareerConnect for iOS and AccessNote for iOS and Android. Offered by American Foundation for the Blind.
Communication, iPad Apps and Accessibility
Talkitt® Makes Unintelligible Speech Understandable
Talkitt translates unintelligible speech from any language into understandable speech through smart phones, tablets or computers. Works for people with speech disorders or diseases or syndromes that affect speech.
Braille and Literacy, iPad Apps and Accessibility
Exploring Braille App Review
Exploring Braille with Madilyn and Ruff is an iPad app that teaches the braille alphabet while also introducing your child to the iPad, VoiceOver and a refreshable braille display.
iPad Apps and Accessibility
TapTapSee App Review
TapTapSee is an amazing app that can identify just about anything in a photo. Use your iPad or iPhone's camera to take a photo and TapTapSee will speak (using VoiceOver)...
iPad Apps and Accessibility, Visual Impairment
Our Favorite Apps for Children Who are Visually Impaired
A collection of 15 (mostly free!) apps perfect for kids who are blind or visually impaired. Listed in categories ranging from visual stimulation to communication and fine motor needs.
iPad Apps and Accessibility
EDA Play App Review
EDA Play is an app designed to enhance your child's visual and fine motor skills through 4 levels of play. The best part about this app is that it is...
iPad Apps and Accessibility, Music Play
Bebot Music App Review
Bebot is a simple sound cause and effect app that makes funny synth robot sounds. Touch the screen and make the robot sing!
iPad Apps and Accessibility
iPad Curriculum for Children with Visual Impairments
Junior Blind of America's Infant & Early Childhood Program has been using iPads as part of its curriculum in order to study how children with CVI or low vision respond...
iPad Apps and Accessibility
My Talking Picture Board App Review
My Talking Picture Board app, from Little Bear Sees, helps children with CVI learn how to locate and recognize two dimensional images.
iPad Apps and Accessibility
Sensory Sound Box App Review
This is one of our favorite apps! Run your finger along the screen and listen to the tune change from high to low as a bright colorful explosion flows from...
iPad Apps and Accessibility
Sensory Light Box App Review
Sensory Light Box is a really well made cause-and-effect app that creates sounds and lights when your finger is on the screen, then stops when you remove your finger. The...
iPad Apps and Accessibility
ViA App Review
Braille Institute's ViA app helps visually impaired users find apps that have been pre-approved and reviewed by other blind users.
iPad Apps and Accessibility, Music Play
Bloom Music App Review
Eric Jerman reviews the generative music iPad app, Bloom. Bloom allows children to create gentle, soft music patterns and bubbles of color with just the tap of a finger. The...
iPad Apps and Accessibility
Smarty Pants & Five Sharks App Reviews
Inclusive Technology, a company that creates software for children with special needs, has also created a set of fun and accessible iPad apps. We review the two that are best...
iPad Apps and Accessibility
Talking Carl App Review
Talking Carl repeats any word, phrase or sound he hears in a funny high pitch voice. Carl can get your kids laughing and learning how to have a conversation when...