Health & Nutrition
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Filter by: Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Feeding and Eating, Research Studies

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment
ID YOUR IRD Offers Free Genetic Testing for Families with Inherited Retinal Diseases
Spark Therapeutics launches ID YOUR IRD genetic testing info site offering free genetic testing for people with inherited retinal diseases.

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
Update on LCA Treatment and Spark Therapeutics
Spark Therapeutics continues to test their treatment for LCA (RPE-65) and they find that it is safe, efficient and provides long term benefits

Eye Conditions and Syndromes, Visual Impairment
Pediatric Cortical Visual Impairment Society (PCVIS)
The mission of the Pediatric Cortical Visual Impairment Society is to advocate for improvement in the quality of life of children with vision loss due to brain disorder, disease or...

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
The Science Behind an Upcoming Treatment for LCA10/LCA-CEP290
A doctor in the Netherlands is developing a treatment for LCA that could help patients with the CEP290 mutation.

Feeding and Eating
Scooper Bowl & Plate with Suction Cup Bases
Ableware sells two assistive dinnerware pieces including the Scooper Bowl with suction cup base to keep it in place and the Scooper Plate, also with a suction cup base.

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
New App Helps Patients Manage Care After Strabismus Surgery
A new pilot app from Boston Children's Hospital allows doctors in their Ophthalmology Department to remotely monitor patients after surgery for strabismus.

Feeding and Eating, Visual Impairment
The Blind Cook is Cooking with Her Four Senses
This video series features blind chef Christine Ha as she demonstrates cooking without sight. The show also offers nutritional tips and other cool food-related information.

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
CEP290 in LCA and other Ciliopathies
Mutations in the CEP290 gene are linked to many different ciliopathies (disease of the cilia), like LCA, Joubert Syndrome, Meckel syndrome, Bardet-Biedl syndrome and more.

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
A Shared Vision: Resources for Inherited Retinal Diseases
Spark Therapeutics has launched a new website designed to help patients, caregivers and health care professionals better understand inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) and the importance of genetic testing.

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
New Technology Could Cure Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP)
Gene-editing technology could personalize how we treat eye diseases.

Health & Nutrition
Gene Therapy: What is it and how does it work?
With so much in the news these days about gene therapy, you may be wondering if there really is a treatment on the horizon to benefit inherited eye diseases. The...

Health & Nutrition
Rare Disease Resources
Rare diseases affect over 350 million people in the world and it is estimated that 50% of those affected are children. If your child has been diagnosed with a rare...

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
My child was just diagnosed with a retinal disorder, are there any treatments? Is there a cure?
Blindness due to a retinal disorder is no longer completely untreatable. There are devices that can restore or augment sight as well as some serious movement in the world of...

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
Regenerating Optic Nerves
Everyone knows you can't regenerate nerves, so if the optic nerve is damaged or underdeveloped there really aren't any options. Or are there?

Eye Conditions and Syndromes
Genetic Testing for Retinal Diseases: Your Questions Answered!
Do you have questions about the genetics behind an inherited retinal disorder? How do you do genetic testing... and what do you do with the test results?